Thursday, December 12, 2019
Principles Of Primary Health Care And Role Of Nurses †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Principles Of Primary Health Care And Role Of Nurses. Answer: Introduction The report presents a brief overview of the excellent and effective role of nurses in professional practice. It explains that how the nurses serving the society through their effective work in the hospitals. The professional practice which is talked in the report is the Physiotherapy. The report shows that how nurses play a vital role on in treating the patient. The report also shows how nurses work as a counselor, motivator, and supporter for the family of the patient. The nurses play a vital role in the society. It also tells the role of nurses in primary health care of the patients. Role of nurses in the professional practice of physiotherapy The role of physiotherapist is to treat patients in a qualitative health care. They play an important role in chronic disease management, self-management techniques, lifestyle and physical activity. Their support staff is generally the nurses who manage the operation as per the physiotherapists guidance. The role of nurses is a very important health care service provided to the individuals and community (Lowe, Plummer, OBrien Boyd, 2012). They work as a health educator, counselor, and motivator. They work for preventing the patient from illness, health promotion, and timely recovery of the patient. Under the practice of physiotherapy, they are advised to make all the arrangements for the operation so that there should be no chance of risk. Their work during the operation is to understand what the requirement of the doctors and hand over the necessary tool alongside. It is very important for them to understand as to what is said by the doctor. Any kind of failing in understanding the doctor can lead to serious issues. Before the operation, the nurses are equally concerned about the patients life (Lefmann Sheppard, 2014). They are held responsible for looking the patients health, timely providing them the medicines, matching up with their requirements and making a good relationship with the patient to know his psychological state of mind. The nurses play a very important role in the profession of doctor. Physiotherapy although is a very important profession where the support of nurse is needed. They are the assistants who assist the doctor in the treatment. The role of nurses in the profession of physiotherapy is to make a proper communication with the family members of the patient for any cause. Their work is to handle all the formalities relating to the health of the patient (Stuart, 2013). They also do the paperwork such as asking to fill up the form, to give initials on the agreement etc. nurses also work as a guide to the patient and his family members by giving them moral support the patient health. The patient is treated by the doctor but the record of admitting the patient till its discharge is maintained by the nurses (Cobbe, Nugent, Real, Slattery Lynch, 2013). The nurses work as a medical technician who helps patient to recover from the disease. Nurses are generally seen helping the patients by giving them home services. They work as a helper, motivator, and supporter for the family of patient and patient as well. Through the help of nurses, the work of physiotherapist becomes easy and less time to consume (Hayes, OBrien-Pallas, Duffield, Shamian, Buchan, Hughes North, 2012). The role of a nurse assisting a physiotherapist is a very significant role. The nurses are very well trained and they are taught even before the operation. They help the doctors in every possible way. The work of nursing is not an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication and hard work. They maintain direct coordination and communication with professionals and doctors to ensure that a patients goals and safety are being met with them. Therefore, nurses work as manager and teacher for providing health care services to the patients. They have a lot of patience as they usually have to face a lot of abuse by the frustrated family members in place of doctors (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus Buerhaus, 2013). Nurses are the large component of health care center. They serve the patients with no selfish motive. they are like the angles send by the god for their help. Since the job of a nurse is considered a limited task, their remuneration and incentives are irrelevant according to their work. This becomes a big concern for them. For better functioning of the nurses, doctors should provide them good money to them. This will make them work better towards the patient (Okwaraji En, 2014). Nurses gather a lot of experience while working with physiotherapists, this helps in solving most of the queries of the patient and the family. The role played by nurses is commendable. They work efficiently and effectively. The doctor and nurse work as a team. The nurses are valuable which grows trust on them easily. The demand for the nurses in todays world is increasing to a large extent. Their service demanded on high payments. The role of nurses working under physiotherapist has strengthened the idea of becoming a doctor of his own. Now it is assumed that the role of nurses in physiotherapist is appreciable (Fairman, Rowe, Hassmiller Shalala, 2011). They play a crucial and significant role in the society. The doctors cannot do their professional without nursing staff support. The government should encourage and enhance the role of nurses. The doctors should provide all the facilities to the nursing staff. People should also provide support to the nursing staff (Duffy, 2013). Besides this, nursing staff plays a vital role in medical health care. Primary Health Care The Primary health care is an ability to get treatment by using scientific and psychological aspects. It is the technique of analyzing and treating the patients with good treatments. It is mainly a health care which is made to treat individuals with proper advancement techniques. This service is also accepted by the patients as it creates no harm and it is beneficial for the patients. The cost of the treatment is relatively cheap. It is something that is easily afforded by the community. It rejects the use of traditional methods (Parahoo, 2014). It is a way to attain better health service. It deals with the minor issues of health faced by the individuals. Primary health care depicts the conditions of economy and the characteristics relating to sociocultural of the country. It focuses on the major health problems prevailing in the community. It gives information about the health problems which is a concern of education. It tells the methods of controlling and preventing those health-r elated problems. The primary health care services are present in the entire related health sector which results in the development of the community. The primary health care centers are developed to provide basic facilities to the patients to overcome their problem relating to health. It is a way of constructing health care (Garrosa, Moreno-Jimnez, Rodrguez-Muoz Rodrguez-Carvajal, 2011). Principles of primary health care service: The health service provided by primary health care is relatively cheaper than other services. The prices are easily affordable. There have been many community services which have developed in promoting and enhancing the healthcare by reducing the relative problem. It is used for solving the issues of individuals as well as the community. In primary health care, there is an innovative use of medical technologies to provide health care services to them. The nurses use the innovative medical technologies to provide the healthcare services to the people (Salanova, Lorente, Chambel Martnez, 2011). The communities coordinate and collaborate in providing the healthcare and safety services to the patients. This adds a benefit in the health of the patients. These are the important principle of primary health care services which are provided by the Primary health care nursing staff. The roles of primary health care nurses are increasing day by day. The nursing staff plays a vital role in primary health care (Boud Molloy, 2013). On the other hand, various problems are faced by the nursing staff. Sometimes, doctors misbehave with nursing staff. They do not provide good wages and packages to them. Thus, many nursing staff does not prefer hospital job. The attendants and guardians of the patients misbehave and abuse to the nurses. It is not good for the society, thus the people should respect them. Conclusion The essay is based on the role of nurses in primary health care. It explains that how nursing staff plays a vital role in the operation done by the doctors. They follow the orders of the doctor and assist them on what they say. The paper contains the good and bad aspects that the nurse has to go through in their profession. They are paid less compared with what efforts they put in. There has been a large development in the field of medical science with the involvement of nurses helping the doctors. The government must provide support and basic facilities to the nurses in the society. References Boud, D., Molloy, E. (Eds.). (2013).Feedback in higher and professional education: understanding it and doing it well. Routledge. Cobbe, S., Nugent, K., Real, S., Slattery, S., Lynch, M. (2013). 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