Saturday, December 28, 2019
Capital Punishment On Trial Furman V. Georgia And The...
In David M. Oshinsky’s book, Capital Punishment on Trial: Furman v. Georgia and the Death Penalty in Modern America, he discussed the case of Furman v. Georgia. He explores the controversy that capital punishment holds in the United States of America. The death penalty has been in practice for many centuries. For example, â€Å"In Massachusetts, where religion had played a key role in settlement, crimes like blasphemy, witchcraft, sodomy, adultery, and incest became capital offenses, through juries sometimes hesitated to convict†(Oshinsky, 2010). For the punishment of death these offenses do not fit the crime. However, capital punishment at this time was rarely criticized. The death penalty demanded many executions including public ones. Many of these were hangings and were public events. After the American Revolution the death penalty began to be questioned. For example, Benjamin Rush stated, â€Å"Capital punishments are the offspring of monarchial governments. King s believe that they possess their crowns by a divine right. They assume the divine power of taking away human life†(Oshinsky, 2010). By the 1840’s there were organized groups opposing the death penalty such as the Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment. Within the coming years, the support for capital punishment fluctuated. Throughout the book, Oshinsky explores the many cases leading up to the Furman v. Georgia decision. Throughout the book Oshinsky talks about several different cases involving the deathShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe concept of the death penalty has been around since the 1700’s B.C. where it was first defined in the Code of Hammurabi (Historical Timeline). Since then, the death penalty has morphed and changed. In 1608 A.D., Captain George Kendall in the Jamestown colony of Virginia was hanged for treason (Historical Timeline). This became the first execution recorded in America (Historical Timeline). Af ter this moment in history, people have debated the concept of the death and if it is truly constitutionalRead MoreTaking a Look at Capital Punishment1004 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Furman murdered William Micke on August 11, 1967 in Savannah, Georgia. Furman was unemployed, and only had a sixth grade education. William Furman became depressed, and started to commit theft for food and money. Furman was caught stealing several times, but was only given a light sentence. At 2 a.m. on August 11, William Furman broke into the house of William Micke, while Micke and his five children were sleeping. William Micke heard a noise and went downstairs to see where the noiseRead MoreThe Debate Of Capital Punishment1313 Words  | 6 PagesCapital Punishment Introduction The state of California has carried out 13 executions since the enactment of capital punishment in 1992 (NAACP, 2016, 10). According to the NAACP winter quarterly report, there are currently 743 prisoners on death row (NAACP, 2016, 39). Since the enactment, there has been a wide range of political debate. The largest concern is in regards to the number of wrongful convictions and its philosophical underpinnings. The citizens in California are as diverse as theirRead MoreHistorical Developments Surrounding Capital Punishment2105 Words  | 9 PagesAs the impending trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnev looms near, the constitutionality of the death penalty will once again come to the forefront of all legal and legislative discussion. Since the reinstatement of the federal death penalty in 1988 (while state executions were reinstated after Gregg v Georgia in 1978) only three individuals have been executed for violating federal law (â€Å"†2014), but with multiple sta tes still permitting the application of the death penalty in state relatedRead More Capital Punishment Essay: Just Say No1095 Words  | 5 PagesCapital Punishment: Just Say No    This essay will show that the United States is on an execution rampage. Since capital punishment was reinstated by the Supreme Court in the 1976 Gregg v. Georgia decision(Gregg), more than 525 men and women have been put to death by the state. More than 150 of these executions have taken place since 1996. 3,500 people are on death row today, awaiting their turn with the executioner. Capital punishment has existed throughout most of the course of our nationsRead MoreSentencing Guilty Verdict1067 Words  | 4 PagesI. Introduction Sentencing is defined as the penalty phase which follows a guilty verdict levied for a criminal act (The Free Dictionary, 2014). Sentencing attempts to accomplish four goals: a. Punishment b. Incapacitation c. Deterrence d. Rehabilitation (Renter, 2008) When imposing legal sanctions we must consider the criminal act committed. The importance of this consideration lies in fact that the punishment should fit the crime. We would not want to sentence a child to life imprisonment forRead MoreCapital Punishment During The Colonial Era1165 Words  | 5 Pages The public opinion within the United States on capital punishment has fluctuated since its early establishment during the colonial era. The debate about the use of capital punishment has been shaped by factors such as class, gender, age but most importantly race. During the colonial era, Britain was the biggest influence on America when it came to utilizing the death penalty. The death penalty was used for minor offenses such as stealing, killing animals, and trading with Indians. As the late 1700sRead MoreCapital punishments should not be banned; people believe capital punishment is unconstitutional,900 Words  | 4 PagesCapital punishments should not be banned; people believe capital punishment is unconstitutional, that the person on death row actually committed a crime that put them there. There are complaints about the money put out for capital punishment and some think that the death penalty sends the wrong message or that our government is broken. Even though people believe capital punishment should be banned, it should not be banned due to multiple reasons. In the United States, capital punishment (also knownRead Morefurman v. georgia1844 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿THE DEATH PENALTY The death penalty or capital punishment has been part of our humanity for years and years. Existed since ancient times, according to people a person who has committed an atrocious act, was sentence to death penalty or capital punishment. The death penalty begins back in the 18th century B.C. in the code of king Hammaurabi of Baylon; who was accused of committing 25 crimes. In years past, the punishments where more crucial then today, the execution procedures had no boundariesRead MoreThe Case Of Ehrlich Coker798 Words  | 4 PagesOn December 5, 1971, Ehrlich Coker was to have allegedly raped and stabbed a young woman to death. Less than a year later, he kidnapped and raped a sixteen year old female. There was an additional victim in which he tortured the young woman and abandoned her in a wooded area. After his apprehension, Mr. Coker pled guilty to the offenses. â€Å" He was sentenced by three separate courts to three life terms, two 20-year terms, and one 8-year term of imp risonment†(Brody Acker, 2010, p. 57). While Mr
Friday, December 20, 2019
My Senior Year At Claremore High School - 838 Words
In my senior year at Claremore High School I decided that it would be a good idea to skip school. I skipped school like every day. Everyone knew it but no one could ever catch me. This one time one if my teachers was not there that day, so my friends and I did our normal routine. One of us asked to go to the lab and that person would get a not from the teacher in the lab so we could all go to the â€Å"lab†to work on homework. So after we got our note we were supposed to check in with the lab teacher and then we could leave. This time I just left and did not go check I with the teacher I just left. Well then a letter came for me in my classroom and the substitute teacher told the TA that I was in the lab. Then the TA went to look for me in the lab and I was not there. Then the teacher in the lab called me and said I needed to come back to the school because I was going to be I trouble. So I left the gym and headed back to the school. When I got to the school the principle tol d me she had to give me in-house. I had never been in trouble in the years of my school and my last year, last semester I received in-house. The rules in in house at Claremore High School are no phones, no talking, no walking around, and no looking around. These rules took away a few different parts of my freedom. It took away my freedom to speak, my freedom of privacy, my freedom to walk, and my freedom to look around. This constraint was imposed on me by a man sitting next to me for eight hours total, heShow MoreRelated Sam Walton and Wal-Mart Essay2021 Words  | 9 PagesHickman High School in Columbia there he played basketball and football, in which he was the starting quarterback for the football team and lead them to the state title in 1935. He wasnt the most smartest person at school but he was determined to do good so with hard work and lots of studying he became an honors student. Besides being athletic and smart he was also a political figure at school, too. He sever ed as Vice- President of his Junior Class and President of the Student Body his senior yearRead MoreWalmart Case Study4848 Words  | 20 Pages20th Century †¢ Forbes ranked Sam Walton as the richest man in the United States from 1985 to 1988 †¢ Supported various charitable causes, including those of his church, the Presbyterian Church (USA) †¢ Wrote an autobiography – â€Å"Sam Walton Made in America-My Story††¢ Sales increased from US $11.6 million in 1967 to US $315.3 billion in 2007 The Corporate Strategy †¢ Sam Walton gave 3 policy goals to define Wal-Marts business – # Respect for the individual # Service to customers # Strive for excellenceRead MoreEssay on Walmart16417 Words  | 66 Pages( ( References: [2][3][4] Revenue Operating income Net income Total assets Total equity Owner(s) Employees Divisions Subsidiaries Website Contents 1 History 1.1 Early years (1945–1969) 1.2 Incorporation and growth (1969–2005) 1.3 Initiatives (2005–present) 2 Operating divisions 2.1 Walmart Stores U.S. 2.1.1 Walmart Discount Stores 2.1.2 Walmart Supercenter 2.1.3 Walmart Market 2.1.4 Supermercado de Walmart 2.1.5 Walmart
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Principles Of Primary Health Care And Role Of Nurses †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Principles Of Primary Health Care And Role Of Nurses. Answer: Introduction The report presents a brief overview of the excellent and effective role of nurses in professional practice. It explains that how the nurses serving the society through their effective work in the hospitals. The professional practice which is talked in the report is the Physiotherapy. The report shows that how nurses play a vital role on in treating the patient. The report also shows how nurses work as a counselor, motivator, and supporter for the family of the patient. The nurses play a vital role in the society. It also tells the role of nurses in primary health care of the patients. Role of nurses in the professional practice of physiotherapy The role of physiotherapist is to treat patients in a qualitative health care. They play an important role in chronic disease management, self-management techniques, lifestyle and physical activity. Their support staff is generally the nurses who manage the operation as per the physiotherapists guidance. The role of nurses is a very important health care service provided to the individuals and community (Lowe, Plummer, OBrien Boyd, 2012). They work as a health educator, counselor, and motivator. They work for preventing the patient from illness, health promotion, and timely recovery of the patient. Under the practice of physiotherapy, they are advised to make all the arrangements for the operation so that there should be no chance of risk. Their work during the operation is to understand what the requirement of the doctors and hand over the necessary tool alongside. It is very important for them to understand as to what is said by the doctor. Any kind of failing in understanding the doctor can lead to serious issues. Before the operation, the nurses are equally concerned about the patients life (Lefmann Sheppard, 2014). They are held responsible for looking the patients health, timely providing them the medicines, matching up with their requirements and making a good relationship with the patient to know his psychological state of mind. The nurses play a very important role in the profession of doctor. Physiotherapy although is a very important profession where the support of nurse is needed. They are the assistants who assist the doctor in the treatment. The role of nurses in the profession of physiotherapy is to make a proper communication with the family members of the patient for any cause. Their work is to handle all the formalities relating to the health of the patient (Stuart, 2013). They also do the paperwork such as asking to fill up the form, to give initials on the agreement etc. nurses also work as a guide to the patient and his family members by giving them moral support the patient health. The patient is treated by the doctor but the record of admitting the patient till its discharge is maintained by the nurses (Cobbe, Nugent, Real, Slattery Lynch, 2013). The nurses work as a medical technician who helps patient to recover from the disease. Nurses are generally seen helping the patients by giving them home services. They work as a helper, motivator, and supporter for the family of patient and patient as well. Through the help of nurses, the work of physiotherapist becomes easy and less time to consume (Hayes, OBrien-Pallas, Duffield, Shamian, Buchan, Hughes North, 2012). The role of a nurse assisting a physiotherapist is a very significant role. The nurses are very well trained and they are taught even before the operation. They help the doctors in every possible way. The work of nursing is not an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication and hard work. They maintain direct coordination and communication with professionals and doctors to ensure that a patients goals and safety are being met with them. Therefore, nurses work as manager and teacher for providing health care services to the patients. They have a lot of patience as they usually have to face a lot of abuse by the frustrated family members in place of doctors (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus Buerhaus, 2013). Nurses are the large component of health care center. They serve the patients with no selfish motive. they are like the angles send by the god for their help. Since the job of a nurse is considered a limited task, their remuneration and incentives are irrelevant according to their work. This becomes a big concern for them. For better functioning of the nurses, doctors should provide them good money to them. This will make them work better towards the patient (Okwaraji En, 2014). Nurses gather a lot of experience while working with physiotherapists, this helps in solving most of the queries of the patient and the family. The role played by nurses is commendable. They work efficiently and effectively. The doctor and nurse work as a team. The nurses are valuable which grows trust on them easily. The demand for the nurses in todays world is increasing to a large extent. Their service demanded on high payments. The role of nurses working under physiotherapist has strengthened the idea of becoming a doctor of his own. Now it is assumed that the role of nurses in physiotherapist is appreciable (Fairman, Rowe, Hassmiller Shalala, 2011). They play a crucial and significant role in the society. The doctors cannot do their professional without nursing staff support. The government should encourage and enhance the role of nurses. The doctors should provide all the facilities to the nursing staff. People should also provide support to the nursing staff (Duffy, 2013). Besides this, nursing staff plays a vital role in medical health care. Primary Health Care The Primary health care is an ability to get treatment by using scientific and psychological aspects. It is the technique of analyzing and treating the patients with good treatments. It is mainly a health care which is made to treat individuals with proper advancement techniques. This service is also accepted by the patients as it creates no harm and it is beneficial for the patients. The cost of the treatment is relatively cheap. It is something that is easily afforded by the community. It rejects the use of traditional methods (Parahoo, 2014). It is a way to attain better health service. It deals with the minor issues of health faced by the individuals. Primary health care depicts the conditions of economy and the characteristics relating to sociocultural of the country. It focuses on the major health problems prevailing in the community. It gives information about the health problems which is a concern of education. It tells the methods of controlling and preventing those health-r elated problems. The primary health care services are present in the entire related health sector which results in the development of the community. The primary health care centers are developed to provide basic facilities to the patients to overcome their problem relating to health. It is a way of constructing health care (Garrosa, Moreno-Jimnez, Rodrguez-Muoz Rodrguez-Carvajal, 2011). Principles of primary health care service: The health service provided by primary health care is relatively cheaper than other services. The prices are easily affordable. There have been many community services which have developed in promoting and enhancing the healthcare by reducing the relative problem. It is used for solving the issues of individuals as well as the community. In primary health care, there is an innovative use of medical technologies to provide health care services to them. The nurses use the innovative medical technologies to provide the healthcare services to the people (Salanova, Lorente, Chambel Martnez, 2011). The communities coordinate and collaborate in providing the healthcare and safety services to the patients. This adds a benefit in the health of the patients. These are the important principle of primary health care services which are provided by the Primary health care nursing staff. The roles of primary health care nurses are increasing day by day. The nursing staff plays a vital role in primary health care (Boud Molloy, 2013). On the other hand, various problems are faced by the nursing staff. Sometimes, doctors misbehave with nursing staff. They do not provide good wages and packages to them. Thus, many nursing staff does not prefer hospital job. The attendants and guardians of the patients misbehave and abuse to the nurses. It is not good for the society, thus the people should respect them. Conclusion The essay is based on the role of nurses in primary health care. It explains that how nursing staff plays a vital role in the operation done by the doctors. They follow the orders of the doctor and assist them on what they say. The paper contains the good and bad aspects that the nurse has to go through in their profession. They are paid less compared with what efforts they put in. There has been a large development in the field of medical science with the involvement of nurses helping the doctors. The government must provide support and basic facilities to the nurses in the society. References Boud, D., Molloy, E. (Eds.). (2013).Feedback in higher and professional education: understanding it and doing it well. Routledge. Cobbe, S., Nugent, K., Real, S., Slattery, S., Lynch, M. (2013). A profile of hospice-at-home physiotherapy for community-dwelling palliative care patients.International journal of palliative nursing. Donelan, K., DesRoches, C. M., Dittus, R. S., Buerhaus, P. (2013). Perspectives of physicians and nurse practitioners on primary care practice.New England Journal of Medicine,368(20), 1898-1906. Duffy, R. (2013). Nurse to educator? Academic roles and the formation of personal academic identities.Nurse Education Today,33(6), 620-624. Fairman, J. A., Rowe, J. W., Hassmiller, S., Shalala, D. E. (2011). Broadening the scope of nursing practice.New England Journal of Medicine,364(3), 193-196. Garrosa, E., Moreno-Jimnez, B., Rodrguez-Muoz, A., Rodrguez-Carvajal, R. (2011). Role stress and personal resources in nursing: A cross-sectional study of burnout and engagement.International journal of nursing studies,48(4), 479-489. Hayes, L. J., OBrien-Pallas, L., Duffield, C., Shamian, J., Buchan, J., Hughes, F., ... North, N. (2012). Nurse turnover: a literature reviewan update.International journal of nursing studies,49(7), 887-905. Lefmann, S. A., Sheppard, L. A. (2014). Perceptions of emergency department staff of the role of physiotherapists in the system: a qualitative investigation.Physiotherapy,100(1), 86-91. Lowe, G., Plummer, V., OBrien, A. P., Boyd, L. (2012). Time to clarifythe value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care.Journal of advanced nursing,68(3), 677-685. Okwaraji, F. E., En, A. (2014). Burnout and psychological distress among nurses in a Nigerian tertiary health institution.African health sciences,14(1), 237-245. Parahoo, K. (2014).Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Palgrave Macmillan. Salanova, M., Lorente, L., Chambel, M. J., Martnez, I. M. (2011). Linking transformational leadership to nurses extra?role performance: the mediating role of self?efficacy and work engagement.Journal of Advanced Nursing,67(10), 2256-2266. Stuart, C. C. (2013).Mentoring, Learning and Assessment in Clinical Practice E-Book: A Guide for Nurses, Midwives Other Health Professionals. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Strategic Analysis of Internal & External Environment of Dyson
Question: Identify what comprises strategic capabilities in terms of organisational resources and competences and how these relate to the strategies of organisations. Distinguish between basic and unique resources. Analyze the business functions of the company. Answer: Corporate objectives Vision The vision is to enhance the performance of the organization and establish its pillars within the competitive market segment. Mission The mission of the company is to provide encouragement for the design engineers of the next generation in order to be creative, challenging and invent. A statement of corporate values Dyson reflects efficient means of engineering. The CSR team works by ensuring that the workers are treated very fairly and the environment including the workplaces remains safer. External analysis PESTEL analysis Political factors: It has been seen that throughout the UK and the US the political factors remains merely in the favor of the home companies. At home, the Duson's role as becoming the conservative partys technical czar created an impact as soon as the government announced the increment of the rate of development and research of tax credit to nearly 225% merely for the mid-sized business which became effective from April 2012. Moreover, the vested regulations like the EU experts have imposed restrictions on the desired power used by the machines such as the vacuum cleaners (Al-Hakim and Memmola, 2009). EU have also summoned for the development of the new technologies in order to reduce the power input for saving the energy consumption. EC required the desired power input to get cut till the year 2014 nearly to 500 watts merely for the respective upright cleaners and for the canister cleaners it was 750 watts (Baran and Galka, 2013). This resulted in the declination of the sales and this type of the bur eaucratic laws merely forces the different companies to keep pace with the innovations by the expansion of the competition. It becomes very important for Dyson to open doors for the similar type of the changes. Economic: During the year 2010 and 2013, there were several small companies who returned to the same levels of growth but the vacuum cleaners were predicted to seen slow rate of growth. The capturing of the retail growth in china as well as in India will focus the growth of the sales and will help in ease pressure of the concerned western markets. The reports critically indicate that in the developing countries the growth rate was projected up to 6.7 percent. In most of the developed countries the company was performing well and the people who were staying at their home for the longer time, the demands for the disposal homes got increased merely for the homely gadgets (Berk and DeMarzo, 2014). But the moderate incomes throughout the emerging market segments remained the matter of scrutiny as it was favorable for the premium price of Dyson. Social factors: The social factors create a great impact on the execution of the business process of any of the company concerned. The contribution of the Dyson Company was recognized on large numbers having effective and efficient charitable ventures like the global workshop in order to bring out the best design and engineering (Blank Page, 2014). The rewarding programs for the engineering students contributed towards the development of the society on large numbers. There was the outsourcing of the jobs throughout the different countries such as Malaysia, china and much more and was through the testing labs. Expansion of the job openings for the youth throughout the different parts of the world is the key strengths of the company. Technological factors: This is one of the important factors that helps ion increasing the growth of the organization to a large scale. There are some of the well-known developed countries who accounted for 68% of the total robotic vacuum cleaners selling in the year 2011. This market changes mainly due to the robotic design and the needs of the new technologies are quite high and considering the other regions or the areas the demand for the vacuum cleaners proved to be very high (Dalum and Midtgaard, 2011). Therefore, there is a crucial need for the implementation of the innovative tools as well as innovative techniques for the evaluation and growth of the entire business processes of Dyson. Environmental factors: The common topic for most of the companies is global warming. As per the rules and regulations of the UK government, businesses or the various companies needs to participate in the waste disposal or in the reducing as well as recycling of the wastes in order to make the environment a safer place for the people (, 2016). In responses to these regulations, there are companies like VAX who have reduced nearly 50% polystyrene throughout their packaging. Dyson also follows the rules as well as the regulations of the government in reducing and recycling of the wastes related to the electronic equipment and has created a great positive impact on the environment. Legal: In this particular sector, the desired fight for the infringement for securing the design as well as the technology of the different vacuum cleaners was common for the companies. The facts reside that in the year 2010, the company significantly lost the legal case against one of the well-known company VAX limited. Therefore, there is a crucial need for each of the companies of any field to execute their respective business processes as per the rules and the regulations of the government (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2011). There were some of the legal matters related to the payment made to an engineer and this case was in the high court of England. Thus, it became more important to establish the desired pillars of the company following the rules as well as the regulations of the government. Porters Competitive Forces Analysis Porter's five forces are the desired framework which will help in recognizing the competition level within a particular industry. Moreover, it helps in the development of the business processes of the organization. Buyer power: In this, the power remains in the hands of the buyer. The availability of the more options having low-end cost prices brings out discouragement for the customers. The customers or the buyers can bargain from the variety of the products available and there are other companies available who provide the similar products with similar features. There is the wide variety of the retail point of the purchase. Supplier power: In the manufacturing and the designing of the houses provides great benefit in the leading time and maintains the flow of the desired supply chain. The high amount of investments in the R and D becomes a competency for the entire organization (Ehrhardt and Brigham, 2011). There are more than 350 of the engineers as well as scientists who use the latest technology and innovation in order to increase the power of the suppliers. In order to increase the selling of the products, the company has more than 120 special types of the testing center stations throughout Malaysia. Threat of the new entrants: A new entry within the market segments critically increases the competition level for the existing companies. On the other hand, there is less amount of threat to the company as there is difficulty in the R and D innovation for the competition (Harrison, 2011). It becomes very hard for competing with the brand presence as well as the quality of the products. M A may be the desired way for fresh companies in relation to the bold threat. Therefore, the companies need to implement effective strategies regarding the threat from the new entry into the market segments. Threat from the substitutes: There are uncertain economic conditions for the Dyson Company. The increment in the design and technologies in the field of vacuum have created the potential threat for the respective products of Dyson. The cases of the M A are accepted to continue, which creates a threat for the products of the company (Johnsen, 2009). There are substitutes available from the different companies and this creates a tough penetration within the new market segments where the brooms are used instead of the vacuums. Competitive rivalry: There are some of the main competitors within this industry having the similar scale and strength which competes for the larger marginal growth areas. The implementation of the advanced technologies as well as the innovation provides the desired competitive edge to the company as compared with that of the other companies (Khachidze, 2012). There are two of the common trends for the market invasions, they are merger and acquisitions. Internal Analysis Organizational Resources Audit The VRIN framework helps in analyzing the strategic capabilities of Dyson, which are mentioned below: Value The primary aim of Dyson is to solve the issues and improve the preferred traditional products. Moreover, the company wants to innovate its products by improving the designing of the concerned products. So the exceptional RD is very significant in enhancing the manufactured goods. Rarity Dyson has numerous competitors which offer the very cheaper contrast to Dyson. The company is providing the finest value product just before the community. Inimitability As there have numerous competitors throughout the competitive market, it is probable to reproduce its goods. But it becomes very difficult for doing that, because the company has numerous patents related to their product, such as the Root Cyclone expertise, and it have filled up with nearly 564 patents of it, so in a case of extra vacuum cleaner it cannot employ this particular technology. Non-substitutable In fact, the Dyson's goods can be alternated by extra company's goods. But the brand name cannot be substituted and this is a great advantage for Dyson. Functions of the Business and Core Competencies The company was looking forward to focusing more on the innovation as this could help in evaluating the desired growth of the company related to the vacuum cleaners. It is a British company that designs as well as manufactures vacuum cleaners, bladeless fans hand dryers and the heaters (, 2016). The company has given priority to the advancement of the designing and the technical advancements of the machinery merely for the vacuum cleaners. The company executes its business process in more than 70 countries throughout the world. There were several competitors in this particular industry related to the designing and manufacturing of the vacuum cleaners but the company had given priority to increasing the capability of the engineers (Okumus, Altinay and Chathoth, 2010). The company is facing tough competition from many of the well-known companies related to the designing and manufacturing of the vacuum cleaners. Therefore, in order to capture the entire market segments the co mpany has formulated several strategies as improving the designing and the implementation of the new innovative tools swell as techniques. Basis of Competitive Strategy Key Market Segments Analysis The different forms of the competition stand at various levels within the global as well as the domestic market segments. The US market segments are mainly led the by the Techtronic Industries corporation limited which was contributed by Hoover as well as the Dirt Devil. The selling of the vacuum cleaners was in large numbers and it encountered a global presence which appeared as a potential threat (Sensmeier, 2009). There were several other companies throughout the market segments which provided the desired importance to the designing of the product. Innovation, as well as the advancement of the technology, played the most important role in increasing the competition in this particular industry (Special Issue of Strategic Organization: "Strategic Management Theory and Universities", 2015). Porters Generic Strategy Framework Analysis In order to compete with the other companies and maintain its position throughout the UK, the demand for the innovation increased significantly for Dyson. This can easily be achieved by the supply chain management and the in-house capability of the Company. Innovation is considered to be the most important for the development and the growth of the organization. The pricing strategies of the company related to the vacuum cleaners have provided the desired platform to evaluate the growth of the organization (Spedding, 2009). The products sales of the competitors were high during the initial stages of the firm. The economic conditions remained very uncertain throughout the developed market segments. Implementation of the advanced technologies and the innovation provides the desired competitive edge to the company as compared with the competitors. Strategic Choice: Ansoffs Matrix Figure: Ansoffs Matrix for Dyson The Ansoff matrix evaluated the fact that Dyson has formed several strategies for selling of its products and to evaluate the growth of the organization throughout the competitive market. The company has decided to enter into new market segments where there are 45 of the countries who are still expanding having the previous or existing products (Stroke: latest treatment options in acute management, 2015). The next strategy is to a development of the products with new features as compared with the existing products in order to capture the entire market segments. Strategy Evaluation Suitability The most appropriate choice of the ANSOFF matrix is the product development and the company needs to0 develop the products as per the reliability of the users. The changing trends throughout the market segments have forced towards modification of the products and the competitors are doing this very systematically. Therefore, the implementation of the innovative tools will help Dyson in evaluating the growth of the organization (Swedish glossary for corporate finance, 2013). Ranking of the strategic options as well as the decision trees will help in evaluating the suitability of the product development. Acceptability The designing and the manufacturing of the products are considered to be more important and, therefore, the company needs to manufacture its products with the help of the new and innovative machinery. This will help in bringing out the innovation for the development of the best vacuum cleaners for the customers (Triggle, 2015). In this section, the returns, risk, and the stakeholder's reactions are considered to be most important. Feasibility Breakeven analysis with the help of the cash flow analysis helps in bringing out the desired facts for the identification of the feasibility of the product development (Truss, Mankin, and Kelliher, 2012). The company needs to identify and collect the desired resources which are required for the development of the products as this will help in increasing the selling of the vacuum cleaners within the market segments. Conclusion Dyson is a British company that designs as well as manufactures vacuum cleaners, bladeless fans hand dryers and the heaters. The company has given priority to the advancement of the designing and the technical advancements of the machinery. The company executes its business process in more than 70 countries throughout the world. There were several competitors in this particular industry related to the designing and manufacturing of the vacuum cleaners. This report reflects the strategic analysis of Dysons business processes. Recommendations The company needs to work on the quality and the pricing satieties of its products. Moreover, the priority should be given to the use of the innovative tools and techniques in order to keep pace with the other competitors. The engineers need to increase their skills in order to bring out innovation in the products. Yes, the company is significantly capitalizing its strengths efficiently and effectively with the help of the strategic choices. The main weakness was in the designing as well as in the pricing strategies of the company related to its products. Now, the company with the help of effective strategies is able to manage the competitors effectively. Yes, there was the contradiction between the strategic choices of the company and its vision but it can be overcome with the help of innovative tools and techniques. References Al-Hakim, L. and Memmola, M. (2009).Business web strategy. Hershey: Information Science Reference. Baran, R. and Galka, R. (2013).CRM. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Berk, J. and DeMarzo, P. (2014).Corporate finance. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Blank Page. (2014).International Strategic Management Review, 2(1), p.IFC. Dalum, C. and Midtgaard, J. 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