Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Role of School Uniforms in Public Schools Research Paper - 4
Role of School Uniforms in Public Schools - Research Paper Example In this respect, unification of school uniform may serve as an appropriate way for mastering of pupils’ management from the perspective of a great many negative aspects caused by schoolchildren’s liberty of expression through clothing. Public schools requiring their students to wear uniforms aids in the elimination of gangs, school violence, bullying, and peer pressure, making it easy to identify intruders, and in the end, the school administration, parents, and student bodies can manage the students effectively. To begin with, it must be said that usage of school uniform as means for getting rid of numerous issues related to personal appearance is a really great way for maintenance of discipline, for there are particular psychologically efficient reasons, which finds their immediate result in a comfortable feeling of both students and teachers. As for schoolchildren, school uniform helps not to feel a difference between pupils of different social classes, since everybody wears clothes of the same quality, price, color, and model. At that very matter, no one stands out from the crowd by other virtue than personal qualities and talents. In fact, there is a beneficial back of such a state when students know that they are all equal and may manifest their individuality only by means of knowledge. Consequently, boys and girls place a bet on receiving of proficient attainments instead of spending plenty of time for preparing for the next school day in the aspect of a time-taking process of clothes choice. Academic progress as a direct result of usage of school uniform may serve as an evident proof of such an advantageous idea. Moreover, in reference to school authority, allowing public schools to mandate uniform wear for their students would aid the administration to enable more time spent on instructional leadership and less time spent on clothing-related conflicts, in turn making the endless back and forth between child, parents, and school.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Tourist Attractions and Places of Interest in Poland Essay Example for Free
Tourist Attractions and Places of Interest in Poland Essay Poland is officially the Republic of Poland in Central Europe. We will be briefly going through all the sights that attract tourists. The annual number of visitors to Poland has increased rapidly since 1990. In 2002 there were 14 million visitors in Poland. The major tourist attractions in Poland are the resorts along the Baltic Sea, the Lake District south of the coast, the Karpaty and Sudety mountains, and the country’s numerous national parks and its museums (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Poland’s borders are marked by the Sudety mountains (Sudetes) in the southwest, the Carpathian Mountains (Karpaty) in the southeast, the Odra and Neisse (Nysa) rivers in the west, and the Bug River in the east. On the northeast, the country is bounded by a section of the Baltic Sea – all breath-taking places to visit (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005). Warsaw, Polands capital since the late 16th century is by far the biggest and fastest developing Polish city. It is visited every year by thousands of tourists from all over the world, especially during the summer. Wroclaw, the capital of Lower Silesia (Dolny Slask) amazes with its volume of Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture. Several musical and theatre festivals, as well as its busy nightlife, attract innumerable visitors from all over Poland and abroad (tourism in Krakow is probably the most beautiful and fascinating city in Poland. The attraction is not just the splendid architecture and the treasures of art – but also the unique ambience of the former Jewish district and the masterpieces of Polish Art Nouveau. Thanks to an amazing density and variety of bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants, Krakow sparkles with life. Anyway, there is no point in merely talking about its attractions – everyone should see Krakow with their own eyes ( Places to see in Poland include, Zakopane, Polands premier mountain resort, is one of the countrys most popular holiday destinations, both in the winter for skiing, and in the summer, for hiking and camping. Tricity (the Triple City also called the Treble City, in Polish Trà ³jmiasto) is the metropolitan area consisting of the three Polish cities Gdaà ±sk, Gdynia and Sopot. They are situated very close to each other on the coast of the Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea, in Eastern Pomerania. Sopot has a great geographical location lying between the beautiful woods of the TriCity Landscape Park, and the numerous sand beaches of the Bay of Gdansk. Sopot is known for its sanitaria and countless artists and tourists, who visit the city especially during summertime. Gdynia is a young, but quickly expanding harbor city situated just at the seashore, offering many tourist attractions as well as splendid shopping opportunities and a lot of entertainment (tourism in            Great Masurian Lakes is an area in northeastern Poland. Masurian Lakeland are known in Polish as land of a thousand lakes. It is the paradise for sailors, hikers, anglers, canoeists and also photographers (tourism in            There are many national parks in Poland awaiting tourists, these include the Babia Gora National Park, Bialowieza National Park, Biebrza National Park, Bieszczady National Park, Bory Tucholskie National Park, Drawa National Park, Gorce National Park, Gory Stolowe National Park, Kampinos National Park, Karkonosze National Park, Magura National Park, Narew National Park, Ojcow National Park, Pieniny National Park, Roztocze National Park, Slowinski National Park, Swiety Krzyz National Park, Tatra National Park, Wielkopolska National Park, Polesie National Park, The Warta Mouth National Park, Wigry National Park and Wolin National Park (tourism in            With readily available transport facilities and money exchange offices Poland with all its cities, health resorts, tourist resorts, national parks and its history is a very fascinating vacation spot. References Poland. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® Encyclopedia 2005  © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Tourism in All rights reserved ©. Retrieved from Stay All rights reserved StayPoland Sp. z o.o.Retrieved from
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Structures Used in The Sound and the Fury Essay -- Sound and the Fury
Structures Used in The Sound and the Fury In â€Å"Christian and Freudian Structures†, Carvel Collins points out some interesting systems used by Faulkner in The Sound and The Fury. Collins refers to the first system Faulkner uses as a Christian structure, which shows how all three Compson sons are in parallel with Christ. When discussing the Christian structure, Collins says that it is important for the reader to know that three of the four sections are set on Easter Sunday and the two days preceding it (71). First, he discusses the Quentin section because it dates back to a Thursday with the other sections being on Friday (Jason), Saturday (Benjy), and Sunday (fourth section). The Thursday in which the Quentin section takes place symbolizes Christ’s experience on Holy Thursday and some points of similarity are: 1) Quentin's’s Last Supper with Shreve, Gerald, and their companions in the picnic, in which they drink wine. (Wine in biblical terms symbolizes the blood of Christ.) 2) The â€Å"breaking of the bread†with the little Italian girl (bread=body of Christ). 3) Quentin’s tortured conversation with his father stands out in his memories which takes place on the same day of the week as the event of Christ crying out in anguish upon his father and 4) Quentin is captured and taken before a court, just as Christ was. Next in history was Good Friday which compares to the Jason section. One event that took place on Good Friday was â€Å"that disciple took her (Christ’s mother) into his own†(John 19). Christ’s mother was in association with her son, just like Mrs. Compson and Jason Jason was the only child in which she cared for. Jason’s name also seems to be significant because it was â€Å"used for ‘Jesus’ by Hellenized Jews†. One ... ...epresents the ego, â€Å"which Freud presents as a battleground between the urges of the id and the restraints of the super-ego; and Jason at that of the repressive super-ego†(73). Using these Freudian terms and characteristics, the three Compson sons merge into one with Benjamin representing the id, having only instinct and does not care about time. He goes to sleep at the end of his section. Then in the first sentence of the Quentin section, Quentin wakes up aware of the time (â€Å"ego first part of the personality to become aware of time†) (74). Works Cited Collins, Carvel â€Å"Christian and Freudian Structures.†Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Sound and The Fury. Ed. Michael H. Cowan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1968. 71-74. Life Applications Bible for Students. The New King James Version. Illinois: Tyndale Publications, Inc., 1994.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Insulin Resistance In Diabetics Health And Social Care Essay
Correlation of Insulin Resistance in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus utilizing Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance ( HOMA-IR ) with organic structure mass index ( BMI ) and Waist-Hip ratio ( WHR ) . Diabetess type 2 is a chronic upset characterized by variable grades of insulin opposition, impaired insulin secernment, and increased glucose production. It consequences from a combination of distinguishable familial and metabolic defects in insulin action and/or secretion.1, 2 Insulin opposition is the reduced ability of insulin to move efficaciously on mark tissues and is a outstanding characteristic of type 2 DM.3-6 It besides consequences from a combination of familial susceptibleness and fleshiness, and has a positive correlativity with organic structure bole fat, ( BMI ) , organic structure fat mass ( kilogram ) , and organic structure fat percentage.4, 6-16 Intra-abdominal fat terminals and lessening in femoral fat are besides independent lending factors for insulin resistance.14 Higher degrees of go arounding insulin will nevertheless normalise the plasma glucose, therefore insulin opposition slightly comparative. The most common type of insulin opposition is associated with corpulence and obesity.8 A fasting serum insulin degree of greater than the upper bound of normal for the check used is considered grounds of insulin opposition. However the gilded criterion for look intoing and quantifying insulin opposition is the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clinch method. But due to the complicated nature of this technique ( and the possible dangers of hypoglycaemia in some patients ) , options have been sought to simplify the measuring of insulin opposition. The first was the Homeostasis Model Assessment ( HOMA-IR ) . Fasting insulin and glucose degrees are used in both to cipher insulin opposition, and both correlative moderately with the consequences of clamping studies.17-19 HOMA-IR is a utile method to find insulin opposition in epidemiological studies.17, 19, 20 Similarly, beta cell map can be assessed by the Homeostasis Model Assessment Beta ( HOMA-? ) .19 Several surveies have shown correlativity of IR with WC and WHR and these patients are at hazard for developing complications like indispensable high blood pressure, type 2 Diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.8 Each addition of 15 centimeter in the WC is associated with an addition of the hazard hyperglycaemia and IR ( 65 % and 123 % , severally ) . The cut-off points that better discriminated work forces and adult females, with and without IR, were 105 and 91 centimeter, with a sensitiveness of 62 % ( 95 % assurance interval [ CI ] , 46-77 % ) and 71 % ( 95 % CI, 54-85 % ) , and a specificity of 72 % ( 95 % CI, 66-78 % ) and 68 ( 95 % CI, 63-73 % ) , respectively.21 Prevalence of corpulence and fleshiness is high in type2 diabetes. This has been reported at 10.4 % and 79.4 % respectively.22 One survey demonstrated high prevalence of insulin opposition and impaired glucose tolerance associated with organic structure bole fat, among corpulent non-diabetic striplings. Insulin opposition was positively correlated with organic structure bole fat ( R = 0.457 ; P = 0.001 ) , BMI ( r = 0.417 ; P = 0.003 ) , organic structure fat mass ( kilogram ) ( r = 0.386 ; P = 0.006 ) and organic structure fat per centum ( R = 0.285 ; P = 0.047 ) . Furthermore, there was a negative correlativity between HOMA-IR and thin organic structure mass.7 The principle of this survey is that non much research work has been done on insulin opposition in Pakistan, and maintaining in head the part of insulin opposition to the development of complications, it is indispensable to find its prevalence which will enable us to step in at an early phase to forestall such complications. Besides with increasing figure of fleshy and corpulent patients and association of fleshiness with insulin opposition and development of complications, it is imperative to step in at an early phase and forestall the associated morbidity and mortality.AimTo find the correlativity of insulin opposition with organic structure mass index and waist hip ratio in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus.Operational DefinitionHomeostasis Model of Assessment of Insulin ResistanceBody Mass IndexBMI = Mass ( kilogram ) / ( Height ( metres ) ) 2Material and MethodStudy design: Cross-sectional Study. Puting: Medical Unit II, Civil Hospital Karachi. Duration of survey: Minimal six months after blessing of outline. Sample size: Using correlativity of BMI and insulin opposition of 0.417, presuming correlativity of insulin opposition and WHR of 0.28, assurance interval of 95 % and power of survey 90 % , the sample size is calculated as 100 topics. Sampling technique Non-probability back-to-back sampling. Sample choice Inclusion standards: All patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Exclusion standards Patients with ischaemic bosom disease, nephritic disfunction, liver disfunction, thyroid disfunction and morbific diseases. Patients on weight decrease planData Collection ProcedureEthical blessing from competent authorization will be sought. Patients will be enrolled after taking informed consent. Data collected at survey entry will include age, medical history, smoke and intoxicant imbibing wonts, and anthropometric indices including waist perimeter, hip perimeter, blood force per unit area, fasting plasma glucose and fasting insulin degree. Fasting blood samples will be obtained by cubital venipuncture and so shipped to a individual research lab for analysis. Plasma fasting glucose degrees will be measured enzymatically utilizing an automatic analyser. Fasting plasma insulin will be measured by radioimmunoassay. HOMA-IR and HOMA-? will be calculated utilizing a antecedently mentioned formula.10 Other blood chemical markers will besides be measured utilizing widely accepted methods. Measurements of anthropometric indices and blood force per unit area will be carried out by trained staff. Information on medical history will be obtained utilizing a self-administered questionnaire.Data Analysis ProcedureCollected informations will be entered in PASW Statistic version 18.0. Mean  ± SD will be calculated for uninterrupted variables like age, weight, tallness, BMI, waist hip ratio, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA-? . Correlation of HOMA-IR and HOMA-? with BMI and waist hip ratio will be studied utilizing the Pearson correlativity coefficient.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mathematics and Apartment Complex
Apartment Complex Analysis Project Description: In this project, you will create functions that calculate statistical data for apartment complexes. You will then filter the data based on multiple criteria and calculate the payments for a loan on a new complex. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step| Instructions| Points Possible| 1| Start Excel. Download, save, and open the Excel workbook named Exploring_e07_Grader_EOC. xlsx. 0| 2| On the Summary worksheet, in cell H14, enter a nested function that will return Need to remodel as the result if the apartment is unoccupied and was last remodeled before 2005. Otherwise, the function should return No change as the result. Copy the function down through H26. | 10| 3| In cell B6, insert a function to calculate the total number of units in the apartment complex in A6. Be sure to enter the criteria range as an absolute reference. Copy the function down through B10. | 10| 4| I n cell C6, insert a function that will calculate the number of occupied units in the apartment complex in A6.Be sure to enter the criteria ranges as absolute references. Copy the function down through C10. | 10| 5| In cell D6, calculate the percentage of units that are occupied in the Lakeview Apartments complex. Copy the formula down through D10. | 6| 6| In cell E6, insert a function that will rank the value in D6 based on the occupancy rates of all five apartment complexes, in descending order. Enter the range as an absolute reference. Copy the function down through E10. | 10| 7| In cell F6, insert a function that will sum the potential rent (i. e. the total rent if all units are occupied) for the apartment complex in A6. Copy the function down through F10. | 10| 8| In cell G6, insert a function that will sum the actual amount of rent (i. e. total rent for occupied units) for the apartment complex in A6. | 8| 9| Copy the function in G6 down through G10. | 2| 10| In cell H6, calcul ate the percentage of potential rent collected for the Lakeview Apartments complex. Copy the formula down through H10. | 6| 11| Enter the value 4 in cell B2. In B3, insert a nested function that will look up the ranking entered in cell B2 and return the respective apartment complex.Make sure the sample ranking of 4 returns the correct apartment complex indicated in the Summary Statistics area. | 6| 12| Enter the value 1 in cell B2 and observe how the INDEX function returns the apartment complex that is ranked first. | 2| 13| On the Database worksheet, perform an advanced filter on the list in the range A11:H24, using the criteria range A2:H4. Filter the data in place. | 10| 14| On the Loan worksheet, in cell E5, insert a PMT function, using the values in E2:E4 for the arguments. | 10| 15| Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. | 0| | Total Points| 100|
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
CSS Lean Operations Report The WritePass Journal
CSS Lean Operations Report 1. Executive Summary CSS Lean Operations Report ). When all these techniques are used, they help to keep operations chains flowing without unnecessary interruptions and of course this helps businesses to meet the demands of their clients. The unrelated nature of some of these techniques can be explained by the fact that the TPS continued to improve since 1948 (Chase et al, 2007). This happened because it responded to the problems it set out to resolve within its own production facilities. This pragmatic nature of the TPS has made it possible for operations strategies to continue to improve dramatically because they are built on first hand experiences and not theoretical models that are sometimes difficult to see in real life situations (Bicheno Holweg, 2009). Toyota believes that the main technique used to achieve leaning lies in the reduction of three types of wastes common in many operations systems (Pettersen, 2009). These include the muda (non-value-adding work), muri (overburden) and mura (unevenness) (Pettersen, 2009). When these methods are used, they help to expose systematic problems. In this respect, the tools are flexible and can be adapted to different situations. One of the objectives of lean is to get the right things to the right place on time and in the right quantity. When this is done, it helps to achieve perfect work flow which is necessary for optimum productivity. Although much of the literature analysed above suggests that 3. Operational Evaluation of CSS The design of the facility is not ideal to promote work flow. In the literature review above, the importance of work flow to the achievement of tasks has been clearly outlined. Work has to flow smoothly in order to identify mistakes and weaknesses in the system. The factory layout has to be designed in a way that one operation leads to the next one (Liker, 2008). When work is done in this manner, it makes it easier to notice mistakes and easily correct them on time. This is because when a mistake occurs, the item can be moved back to the previous stage where it can be easily sorted out without having to move from one end of the factory to the other. When workers have to move from one end of the factory to another, it creates loops in the flow of work and they end up spending some of their time wondering about in the factory giving room for items to start piling at their posts (Ballà ©, M. Ballà ©, 2009). In an ideal design, raw materials should get into the factory from one side m eanwhile the finished goods are moved out of the factory from a different exit point designed purposefully for the exit (Radnor Bucci, 2010). However, CSS factory lay out is not designed in line with the flow of the manufacturing processes. This can be costly for the company in terms of time and even financial costs. Based on the above information and a review of the CSS’s current information, a number of weaknesses have been identified that need to be addressed. 3.1 Transportation There  are some inefficiencies in the current transportation system which leads to waste in time and money which. After weld and manual assembly is complete, the frames are sent to goods outwards, where they are loaded to special jigs ( 15 per jig) to be sent to a plating sub-contractor. The normal quantity despatched is 600 (parts are not required to be common) and the despatch timing is sporadic, depending on when the stock is available to go out. The turnaround time is quoted as 2 days however, the process time is 30 minutes per batch. In this scenario, it better to deliver the frames in good quantity in order to cut down transportation costs. Considering that CSS has 20 working days in a month and the client only wants one shipment per day by lorry. At this rate, CSS needs to find a double carrier in order to be able to transport enough seats in one lorry shipment. It is ideal to deliver the shipments at night since the customers premises also operate night shifts. 3.2 Overproduction Again, given that 2520 seats are ordered monthly and a carrier can move 65 seats at a time, CSS has to put in place a strategy that will ensure that these chairs are delivered on time. CSS’s manufacturing facility is currently producing to mass production principles. The machines have a functional layout and produce components in large batches. The company needs to suit its production to meet the demands. For instance, given that demand has dropped there is no need operating at full capacity. This results in waste of energy and keeps machines working to meet a small order given that the company has lost some of its businesses to overseas competitors. Now, it is important for the company to cut back on costs and even consider hiring part time labour that is required to meet the demands of its existing customers (Montgomery, 2012). The company has to adapt its machines to meet its current market situation. For instance, instead of operating its machines at full capacity, CSS has to consider adapting its machines to meet current market demand. The pressing machine can be used at full capacity to produce forming in order to have material that it will use for a reasonable period of time. In that case, employees at the forming operation have to be mainly part timers with just a few full time employees. This is because once they do forming and pressing of material that can be used for a considerable time, they can go on to their second jobs and only come back when there is need for forming and pressing. 3.3 Waiting CSS’s manufacturing process for the frame assemblies starts with pressing and forming. Because of the short cycle time and high set up times the batch size is high, 5000. The product is placed in stillages and transferred in a batch size of 1000. The output from the press shop should be of equal proportions of all products. However, currently this is not achieved as the output ratio depends on the set up of the presses. The press is a shared resource. Given that the press is a shared resource, it could lead to waiting that will stall the smooth movement of the operations. It is ideal to allocate different times for different. This is because shared resources help to cut costs and as such, it is important to allocate different times for employees to use shared resources in an effort to minimize instances when waiting has to occur. Waiting can have serious effects on the flow of operations and productivity. Lanchester Steels Ltd supplies sheet metal stock to CSS on Mondays. Meanwhile Coventry Covers supply rolls of cover on Wednesdays. This can affect the pace of work in the case where they fail to deliver their suppliers. CSS needs to review its supply arrangement with its suppliers. It will be ideal if its suppliers deliver these materials on Saturdays, so that even if there is some delay of any sort, it will not alter the flow of work and the company will still be able to deliver seats to its clients on time. Failure to supply on time can lead to a termination of contract if it is recurrent in the industry. This is because these seats are needed at the car assembly line and if they do not show up, the assembly line could stall at some point in time thereby affecting their clients schedule. For this reason, raw materials have to be sourced on time in order to ensure that CSS does not keep the customer waiting in the case where suppliers fail to meet up with raw material supplies. Wait ing has to be eliminated whenever it is possible. 3.4 Human Resources Keeping 200 employees to produce 2520 seats monthly could be too much for the company. This is a decision that most be clearly reconsidered in order to ensure that the company does not pay people who are doing nothing. The company needs to adopt a policy of using part time labour until it is able to pick up once more by winning new contracts in the sector. There is no point hiring too many workers when the company does not have many contracts. However, the company has to be looking for ways to grow. Growing can be done by gaining new markets. Since it has few markets, the company must keep just enough workers who are able to meet its customers’ demands. Secondly, it has to make sure that hires the right number of people at the right time to satisfy its customers’ needs. On the other hand, it must have a good bank of part timers whom it can call in at any time as soon as the market starts growing. 4. Discussion Leaning is very important in manufacturing businesses such as CSS. This is because it helps these businesses to keep work flowing from one process to the order by making the right arrangements with suppliers and hiring the right people to complete the different manufacturing processes (Chase et al, 2007). In the long term, CSS has to remain conscious of the needs to ensure that it is not wasting time or resources. Wastes can always hurt CSS’s profits. The company could be making profits, but because the operational system is characterised by wastes, the company will not make as much profits as it would have otherwise done. To begin with, lean operations have proven to reduce costs and improve productivity in the automobile industry in Japan (Pettersen, 2009) (Chase, 2008). This strategy was later on copied by many businesses in the manufacturing sectors that experienced similar positive results. In addition to eliminating wastes in many factories, lean operations have helped many companies to become more competitive after implementing lean strategies (Bicheno Holweg, 2009). CSS is a company that is currently struggling and needs to improve its performance. One of the ways it can do so is by adopting any strategies that will make it more competitive. Leaning is just one of many strategies available for the company. In order not to take any chances, the company needs to implement the leaning strategy that has been outlined in this report. Secondly, the key to success for CSS is to source the right quantity of raw materials on time in order to avoid shortage or waiting (Liker, 2008). Without raw materials, the company will be unable to meet the needs of its clients. Even with these raw materials, work schedules must be organised in a way that makes it possible to meet customers’ demands (Ballà ©, M. Ballà ©, 2009). For instance, machines must be in good conditions and regularly checked given that failure to do so can result in untimely break downs. Finally, appropriate transportation measures must be put in place to ensure that raw materials get to the factory on time (Radnor Bucci, 2010). The same is true for finished products that are needed by the client. If for instance, the chairs do not get to the client on time, it will affect the client’s flow of work (Chase et al, 2007; Montgomery, 2012). CSS has to put in place and effective transportation at every given moment that is able to get raw materials to the factories and finished seats to the customer at the lowest cost and on time to guarantee efficiency and profit making, which is the underlying mission of CSS.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Crystal essays
Crystal essays Which temperature does crystal grow the fastest I always thought crystal was the most valuable and most precious mineral, a man could have. I also thought crystal was nothing more than a jewelry or some sort of decoration. As I learned more about crystal, I found out crystal are not just decoration, but it is also valuable mineral used in today ¡Ã‚ ¯s technology. Crystals has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. According to the Sanskrit manuscript during the mid-fifth-century, it says, diamonds is protective of its owner; it wards off serpents, fire, poison sickness, thieves, flood, and evil spirits. Not only diamonds were such  ¡Ã‚ °spirits ¡, but also they were used in medicine during the middle ages. There were many debates rather diamonds are poison or an antidote to poison. Physician, Garcua de orta claimed that diamond are not poison by proving that the slaves in Indian mines swallowed diamonds in order to steal them, and they were perfectly fine and did not have any ill effects. Since then crystals are still around till the present day, and there are more discoveries what a crystal can do. Since it is such a remarkable mineral, crystals are used in technology in many ways. Diamond, a form of crystal that is extremely hard is used to make dentist drill. The drill is made of little crystal, so the process of drilling would quicker and less painful. And as for some crystals, when they are compressed, the crystals develops electrical charges and other crystals also develop charges when they are heated. These properties are called  ¡Ã‚ °piezoelectricity ¡. From these special properties, these crystals are used in sonar and other type of radio equipment. Solar energy also comes from type a crystals called  ¡Ã‚ °sulfide crystals ¡. These crystals are used to convert sunlight into electricity. Another type of crystals called,  ¡Ã‚ °silicon ¡ which is used in transistor to amp...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Average National SAT Scores for 2014
Average National SAT Scores for 2014 SAT Scores by StateSAT Score Frequently Asked Questions  In 2014, 1,672,395 of you high-schoolers out there registered and took the SAT, which is the largest number of test-takers in recent history. And now that youve taken it, Id wager that youre interested in knowing what sorts of scores your fellow college applicants have earned. Am I right? If youre anything like students before you (and probably those who will come after you, too), you want to know how you stack up! Below, youll read several fun facts (and some shocking ones, too!) about the average national SAT scores for 2014. For some of you, youll be interested in knowing the average SAT scores for students entering the top public schools in the country, and others of you will be curious about scores for the top private schools. If youre just interested in SAT scores in general, then keep on reading, okay? Okay. Overall SAT Scores for 2014 Remember the math term, mean? Of course you do! Its just the average of a set of numbers. In this case, the mean is the average score of every student who took the SAT from the fall of 2013 through June of 2014. The overall score is down by just 1 point this year. Here are the mean scores for all testers by section: Overall: 1497 Critical Reading: 497 Mathematics: 513 Writing: 487 (subscores: multiple-choice: 48.9 / essay: 7.0) SAT Scores for 2012 SAT Scores for 2013 SAT Scores By Gender Well, it looks like the boys have taken it again this year in everything but the Writing section, ladies! Girls, you need to get it together! The boys are taking you to town on the Mathematics section! Critical Reading:Males: 499Females: 495 Mathematics:Males: 530Females: 499 Writing:Males: 481Females: 492 SAT Scores By Reported Annual Income It seems, kids, that if your parents are raking in the dough, then your odds of scoring higher on the SAT go up. Just check out the statistics. Now, be sure to use your best reasoning skills. This doesnt mean that kids with a little more cash are the smartest on the block. What else could those numbers imply? Perhaps parents with more wealth are more willing to purchase SAT prep? Perhaps they are more willing to shell out the moolah for retakes? I dont know. We could conjecture all day on this subject, but the stats do not lie; parents making more money produce kids with higher SAT scores. Look: $0 - $20,000Critical Reading: 436Math: 459 $20,000 - $40,000Critical Reading: 467Math: 481 $40,000 - $60,000Critical Reading: 489Math: 500 $60,000 - $80,000Critical Reading: 504Math: 512 $80,000 - $100,000Critical Reading: 516Math: 526 $100,000 - $120,000Critical Reading: 527Math: 539 $120,000 - $140,000Critical Reading: 531Math: 542 $140,000 - $160,000Critical Reading: 539Math: 552 $160,000 - $200,000Critical Reading: 544Math: 558 $200,000 and moreCritical Reading: 569Math: 588 SAT Scores By Ethnicity Although there is no causal relationship between ethnicity and scores, its interesting to take a peek at the differences among us when it comes to test-taking. Here are the mean overall scores by heritage. American Indian or Alaska Native: 1428 Asian, Asian-American or Pacific Islander: 1651 Black of African-American: 1278 Mexican or Mexican-American: 1354 Puerto Rican: 1349 Other Hispanic, Latino, or Latin-American: 1353 White: 1576 Other: 1504 No response: 1371  2014 SAT Scores Summary So, it would appear that if youd really like to knock the SAT out of the ballpark, youd better join a family who makes more than $200,000 per year, make sure to secure the male gender, and adopt the Asian ethnicity. If that doesnt work, you could always prepare regardless of your ethnic heritage or familial status. These statistics represent the mean, but do not, of course represent the individual - YOU. If you have nothing in common with the groups scoring the highest on the SAT, it does NOT mean that you cant secure a top-notch score. Start with some free SAT practice quizzes, grab some free SAT apps, and prepare yourself the best way you can. Good luck!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Social Work Agency Policy Change Research Paper
Social Work Agency Policy Change - Research Paper Example has 21 other branches of campuses which enable the community around to benefit from about $257 million emanating from the improvements aimed at the Anaheim High School District. In spite of the institution being the government property, it is really profiting and benefiting the community and government as a whole since it provides employment to the people and the pay is also good among other lucrative benefits and advantages the employees enjoy. The school has got several awards for academic excellence. Some campuses have been recognized by the department of education in California among the best performing campuses. Others earned gold and silver medals in the awards during the World Reports for top performing high schools in the world. The mission of the institution is that the institution is a partnership with the staff, students, parents and the whole community who corporate to provide the high quality and well-rounded educational program in an environment that is safe and that nurtures learning in order to promote high expectations among all the students and employers. In addition, learning the most current skills which would help them in the critical thinking and solving problems in a more rational manner also adds up as a key objective. Anaheim High School District started in 1898 in the city of Anaheim situated in California in the United States. It is a public school and thus owned by the government. It is rated as the third oldest high school in the orange county and it is also the oldest among the most comprehensive schools. The institution begun with James Guinn as the head of the school who only offered diploma subjects and the first student graduated in 1880 with a diploma from a high school. The final examination was administered orally since it was the requirement as all the members of the public were invited for entertainment. It was in 1878 when the central school was constructed following the winning of government bond of construction of a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Software Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Software Design - Essay Example Architecture is all about the User Interface (UI) of a system (Bass, Len, Paul C., and Rick K., 2003, 2nd Ed.). Software design is a sequence of reaching a solution to software hitches. It takes into consideration issues to do with compatibility, modularity, packaging, extensibility, robustness, security, fault-tolerance and usability. In a System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), software architecture forms the fundamentals that determine the design of that software by specifying the organization techniques to be implemented during the next step of designing. A software design document is a well written and stable description (done by the software designer) of the software product outlining all sections of software and their intended functionalities. This document is deemed to provide a complete description of the intended end result of the software, while keeping to a quality view of the system. Therefore, a well-documented bad design will serve no purpose if it describes â€Å"space†none existing features. It will be better to have a good design that conforms to the system architecture and organizational expectations but without documentation rather than a well-documented but poorly done design. The quality of any piece of code in a design would be determined by using varied code quality measurement techniques such as focus on the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming styles and the design patterns; writing of clean codes (codes that are to the standards and principles in relation to the problem); and identifying WTFs â€Å"Bad Smells†within the code (Robert C. Martins). The need to experiment with software design is to gather information/ data about the design and analyze it by considering how the intended experimental factors would fit wholly into a model expected to meet the precise objective set for the experiment and satisfy the
Literature review of Acupuncture as an adjunct in Drug and Alcohol Essay
Literature review of Acupuncture as an adjunct in Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal - Essay Example This study was able to establish that there was a strong consensus among clients and staff interviewed that acupuncture had a beneficial impact in terms of helping patient relax, reducing his anxiety and pain. 2. Mills, E., Wu, P., Gagnier, J., and Ebbert, J., (2005). Efficacy of acupuncture for cocaine dependence: a systematic review & meta-analysis. Harm Reduction Journal 2(4), pp. 1-6. In this paper, the authors systematically evaluated and analyzed the randomized controlled trials on acupuncture in the management of cocaine addiction. The authors were able to cover 10 databases using different inclusion criteria. All in all, the authors established that the meta-analysis does not support the use of acupuncture in the management of cocaine dependence. However, most of the trials had issues with a significant loss in their follow-up, thus lessening the impact of the inferences drawn. 3. Black, S., Carey, E., Webber, A., Neish, N., and Gilbert, R. (2011). Determining the efficacy of auricular acupuncture for reducing anxiety in patients withdrawing from psychoactive drugs. J Subst Abuse Treat., 41(3):279-87 This study hypothesized that auricular acupuncture can reduce the anxiety caused by withdrawal from psychoactive drugs. ... lar acupuncture was not more effective than sham or control treatments in reducing anxiety and the use of acupuncture in the management of drug withdrawal is still controversial. 4. Killeen, T. and Brady, K. (1997). A preliminary study of the effects of auricular acupuncture on alcohol and drug withdrawal symptoms. Substance Abuse, 18(3). The authors set out to evaluate the impact of auricular acupuncture in reducing stress in drug withdrawal patients. About 60 patients were covered by this paper with questionnaires used after initial treatment with acupuncture. Their rate of distress was measured. The authors were able to establish that there were statistically significant improvements seen on all measures for the subjects during the pre and post testing period. QUESTION 2 Literature Review Introduction Alternative and complementary medicine has long been part of our conventional medicine practice, especially in many parts of Asia and in the African region. For the West, their focus has always been on conventional and modern medicine and the adaptation of alternative therapies has not found widespread acceptance. There are various risks involved in the use of alternative and complementary medicine, especially as its applications are not supported by scientific studies and research. This paper shall establish a critical analysis of literature on acupuncture and its impact on drug withdrawal. This paper shall provide a critical analysis based on specific literature on the subject matter. First, an overview of the acupuncture shall be discussed, along with a general description of drug withdrawal. Secondly, an overview of available literature on the subject matter shall be presented. Thirdly, a critical analysis of gaps within these studies will be discussed. Lastly, a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Costs of benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Costs of benefits - Essay Example This paper gives an analysis of the results obtained from StopNShop Today Inc especially on the competitiveness of its benefits package and the benefits it accrues from the package. As much as it is of a necessity for any organization to conform its benefits package to the prevailing ones within the economy it operates, it is also ethical that organizations make their packages more attractive and above their competitors so as to retain the best of human resource within the market (Barnow et al, 2013). The review report from StopNShop Today Inc study review of its packages reveals an interesting trend within the organization. More weight is given to wages and salaries as in forms the core of the organization’s incentive to its employees. This is followed by the total costs incurred on benefits to the employees with the rest given very little weight. Of more interest is the allocation to retirement and the savings that come with it. It is the least area over which the company allocates its resources. The trend within the U.S economy is of greater interest and explains further the recent decision by major organizations to review their benefits packages (Barnow et al, 2013). As of the year 2004 towards the year 2008, the general of cost allocation to benefits and remunerations was on a declining slope which gives a reflection of the economic times during such periods. Between the year 2008 and 2010 there was a steady increase in the general allocation of resources to benefits and remunerations. Such an action reveals that the companies were experiencing economic boom and thus could easily afford to increase the allocation of their resources to benefits. The general trend in the statistics available at the U.S Bureau of Statistics shows that most organizations do allocate between 40% and 47% of their resources towards the benefits of their employees with the percentage allocated to
Cancer Alley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cancer Alley - Essay Example According to Gale (2006), â€Å"in 2002 Louisiana had the second-highest death rate from cancer in the United States. Although the national average is 206 deaths per 100,000, Louisiana's rate is 237.3 deaths per 100,000†(Gale, 2006, par. 2). In another website, the, the question was evaluated and responded to by indicating that â€Å"several scientific studies have been conducted which claim that the rate of cancer in the region is actually lower than the national average. According to the Cato Institute, cancer alley is an environmental myth. Many scientists have also declared that if there are any higher rates of illnesses within cancer alley, they are likely due to the high rates of people that smoke tobacco. Local residents and environmental activists have claimed that the few scientific studies that have been conducted in the region have been faulty due to sloppy record keeping by the state†(, 2008, par. 3). With the contr asting information, there is a need to seek other researches to determine the validity of the contentions.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Costs of benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Costs of benefits - Essay Example This paper gives an analysis of the results obtained from StopNShop Today Inc especially on the competitiveness of its benefits package and the benefits it accrues from the package. As much as it is of a necessity for any organization to conform its benefits package to the prevailing ones within the economy it operates, it is also ethical that organizations make their packages more attractive and above their competitors so as to retain the best of human resource within the market (Barnow et al, 2013). The review report from StopNShop Today Inc study review of its packages reveals an interesting trend within the organization. More weight is given to wages and salaries as in forms the core of the organization’s incentive to its employees. This is followed by the total costs incurred on benefits to the employees with the rest given very little weight. Of more interest is the allocation to retirement and the savings that come with it. It is the least area over which the company allocates its resources. The trend within the U.S economy is of greater interest and explains further the recent decision by major organizations to review their benefits packages (Barnow et al, 2013). As of the year 2004 towards the year 2008, the general of cost allocation to benefits and remunerations was on a declining slope which gives a reflection of the economic times during such periods. Between the year 2008 and 2010 there was a steady increase in the general allocation of resources to benefits and remunerations. Such an action reveals that the companies were experiencing economic boom and thus could easily afford to increase the allocation of their resources to benefits. The general trend in the statistics available at the U.S Bureau of Statistics shows that most organizations do allocate between 40% and 47% of their resources towards the benefits of their employees with the percentage allocated to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Thematic Concerns in the Open Boat Research Paper
Thematic Concerns in the Open Boat - Research Paper Example Crane’s story provides the readers with a perfect blend of human suffering, their various behaviors and natures as well as the desolation that surrounds human beings. Although the dialect is simple and smooth flowing yet he captures essence of meaning and gives a close observation of the brutalities of the Mother Nature and human suffering. As Turchi and Baxter also states, â€Å"â€Å"The Open Boat†insists on moral truths. They are confounding moral truths and many readers will be frustrated that the wisdom of the work cannot be distilled, the themes stated plainly†. Some of the major thematic concerns that Stephen Crane incorporates in the story includeshuman bonding and relations,Man vs. Nature, unavailability of God and communication gaps. A common theme that recurs in most of Crane’s works is human bonding or relationships. It appears that the writer believes that in this world an individual cannot survive on his own as this world is an unfriendly place and human beings require some sort of weapon against the brutalities of nature and that weapon is an individual’s bonding with his fellow beings. This theme is excessively apparent from not only the setting of the story but also from the gradual plot progression. Crane creates a microcosm of mankind on the dinghy. Although initially the four survivors had nothing in common and there is a certain awkwardness that is observed amongst their behaviors yet it is observed that when they realize the unpredictability and the helplessness of their dire situation they form an unannounced brotherhood to survive the brutalities of Mother Nature. As it is also stated in the text as well, It would be difficult to describe the subtle brotherhood of men that was here est ablished on the seas.... there was this comradeship that the correspondent, for instance, who had been taught to be cynical of men, knew even at the time was the best experience of his life (61). Dersch effectively encapsulates the situation of these characters by quoting Ross Muffin’s words when he says, â€Å"‘the characters are determined by forces beyond their control’ humans are presented as ‘higher-order animals fully subject to the forces of heredity and environment and life in general is an inescapable trap’†(4). Hence the characters find solace in one another and even though earlier they had communication barriers yet they overcome them and act as one another’s support and right hand in the hour of need. For example it is clear from the manner in which the captain, the cook, Billie and correspondent take turns at rowing the boat. Then again when the correspondent is up alone and he say his desire for someone else to be awake a nd find solace in another individual’s company is a proof that Crane believes that human bonding is essential for survival. Communication gap that engulfs human race is another important thematic concern that Crane reiterates in the story to further highlight the disjunct and chaos that surround human beings. The fact that the people on the shore believed the people on dinghy were mere fishermen and the hope in the four survivors that they will be rescued yet their constant observation saying that, â€Å"Funny they don’t see us†(Crane 64) creates an ironic situation. It is as if human beings exist in their individual bubbles where they tend to keep to themselves. However when finally they do realize that their fellow beings are in need they do stand up to help one another. This theme further stresses the lonely existence of man in this
Great expectations Essay Example for Free
Great expectations Essay Chapter 11 sees Pip on his second visit to Satis House, and the early introduction of several important characters such as Jaggers and Herbert, who play vital roles in Pips later life and great expectations. Ms. Havishams poisoned and hateful mind can be seen through her malicious thoughts that are reflected through her choice of words: I am yellow skin and bone. She has clearly brooded a great deal over her past and has lived the majority of her adult life full of contempt and bitterness for the entire male race. An air of Mystery is given to the fact that we do not actually know the cause of Ms. Havisham resentment, all we do know is that she was once to be married, and due to some occurrence or misfortune, the wedding did not take, but everything, from that fateful day, has stayed still. The time has stopped at twenty minutes to nine, and even her bride-cake is still there. One assumes, after reading the Chapter, that the mystery plot will be solved eventually, and the suspense lures the readers further into the novel . The suspense that surrounds the character of Ms. Havisham is half-satisfied when the readers find out the truth of what actually happened to Ms. Havisham, (that she victim of a conspiracy of which her money was the ultimate motive), in Chapter 22 from Herbert. Satis House is dismal and unchanging. Like the bride-cake, which now has black fungus growing out of it and speckled-legged spiders with blotchy bodies running to it, Ms. Havisham has also deteriorated. The vermin, the poison and the hate also rush flood to her mind, causing her to lose all control of any logical decisions or rational thoughts. Like the cake, Ms. Havisham is also dropping to pieces, covered with dust and mould. Ms Havisham could be described as being Satis House herself, she has become part of her landscape, as she herself says: It and I have worn away together. All the death images, corpse-like, shroud, grave-clothes, all symbolise the slow death of Ms Havisham, the cruel image of her rotting and decaying a result of her twisted, evil mind. The suspense and thrilling horror surrounding Ms. Havisham sustains the readers attentions, as they listen attentively to hang on to every word she speaks, in the hope of any clues to what tragedy she was victim of that has made her into the person she is. The dull nonsensical conversations made by the relatives emphasise just how intriguing Ms. Havishams character is. Her dramatic flairs of speech and over-exaggeration: when they lay me dead captures the readers much more than the repetitive, irrelevant conversation made by the relatives. Ms. Havishams relations are characterised as being money-greedy, selfish people. Their only reasons for visiting their half-sister is simply for her large fortune and in the hope that they, once she is finally dead, will inherit each large portions of her money. The dreary, dull conversations that seem to have no concluding points underlines the uselessness and narrow-mindedness of these people. Certainly, the descriptions of the relatives are far from flattering: so very blank and high was the dead wall of her face. Dickens has chosen to make these characters into comic figures. They represent Dickens view of the majority of middle-high class of society, educated yet still fools. Camilla, in particular, provides entertainment for the audience with her ridiculous self-pitying airs: I cried about it from breakfast to dinner. Her pretence is obvious, and one may guess from Ms. Havishams contempt for her relations that she understands that they care not for her but for her money: when you come to feast upon me. Ms. Havishams relations are the image of a selfish and materialistic side of society. The readers are given an early introduction to the character of Jaggers, Pips future lawyer and guide to his fortune and the world of industrious, educated so-called gentleman. Again, like Ms. Havisham, the readers are lured into the burly man on the stairs. The description is mysterious and surprisingly detailed for just a stranger: eyes set very deep in his head. When Pip states: He was nothing to me, and I could have had no foresight then, that he would be anything to me Our suspicions are nearly confirmed that Jaggers will play an important part in Pips later life. Jaggers description is interesting when one looks for clues in his personality, his eyes also being described as being: disagreeable sharp and suspicious, a clue to Jaggers alertness and ability to see through people as if they were transparent. His bushy black eyebrows that wouldnt lie down but stood up bristling symbolises Jaggers habit of attentively understanding a persons mind by every move that they make. The hands that smelt of scented soap is Jaggers future tagline or reference to himself, the idea of washing away the guilt of dealing with guilty criminal convicts. Herbert, the Pale young gentleman is first introduced in this chapter, as an unhealthy boy, with pimple on his face and a breaking out at his mouth, yet, his brave attitude and desperation to fight a fair and just battle appeals to the readers. As he says to Pip after he has been so easily defeated: That means you have won. Even Pip is surprised by his moral integrity: He was so brave and innocent, his ability to accept defeat and fight an unlikely battle gains respect from the readers, and Herbert is seen as a comical figure at his vain attempts fight back at Pip. He later carries the image of honesty when he is an adult, and represents the gentleman whose of free-spirit, whose cares lie not in money and reputation, but in the happiness of life. In Chapter 11, we are introduced to several new characters and are given distinct and sometimes obvious clues to Pips later life. They later play a great influence on Pips thoughts, actions, and journey to become a true gentleman.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Virgin Galactic: Global Business Management
Virgin Galactic: Global Business Management 1. Introduction Virgin Galactic is the space tourism company which was founded in 2004 by Sir Richard Branson. This is type of Limited Liability Company. This company has its different headquarters at different locations such as Las Cruces, New Mexico and USA. Now it is planning to expand its business at global level such as Dubai. This company is part of Virgin Group which is also known as its parent company. The CEO of this company is George Whitesides. They started to provide its services to customer such as spaceflights in 2008 and now they are offering lot of services to their customers such as Space Sub Orbital, Small Satellites and Orbital Human Space Flight. Although this company is on the way to success but still every company has some weak points which they can use to convert into opportunities to perform better. So the aim of this research is find problems of Virgin Galactic and eliminating those. 2. Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic In this section, there will be a discussion about the evaluation of Richard Branson track record and his strength of new venture team and also will be discussing about his creative opportunity. 2.1 What is the concept of Global Leadership and how its reflect in Sir Richard Branson Leadership style? Richard Branson undoubtedly is a global leader. It is also reflected in its leadership style. Global Leadership means, the person who can reach beyond the boundaries of their own country and continent to influence an end result. In addition to this, it is also the person who just not looking for his profit but also looks for the problems and challenges and successfully solves them. Richard Branson is the person who likes to accept challenges and make his all best affords to reach success. He believes in people and thats he behaves like family members with his employs. He encourages his employees to challenge changes and bring up with new ideas to him. This is the reason why Sir Richard Branson brands is the worlds most powerful and recognizable brand. He himself promotes his brand which no other leaders can do in world. (Sir Richard Branson | Global Zero, 2017) 2.2 Evaluation of Richard Branson Track Record Richard Branson, A successful business man, the founder and Chairman of Virgin Group was born on 18 July 1950 in UK. Like all other flourishing business tycoons, he was also a school dropout. In 1970, he started his record business in UK and very soon his business become success under the name of Virgin. (Richard Branson Biography Childhood, Life Achievements Timeline, 2017.) Later, in 1980 the Voyager Group was established as his own travel company. It is not that he had never face any problems, in the beginning of 1990s he faces financial problems and has to sell his one of the company. He had never given up in his life and thats the reason he won 400 companies in 30 countries at present. One of the famous quotes of Richard Branson is if somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but is not sure you can do it, say yes then learn how to do it later. This quote show that he always think about new business and he jump in to it and at later he succeed in that. Due to this we can see lots of diversification in his business, means there is not just music industries in which he operates his business but also have train company, a mobile company, a luxury game preserve and airline company and a space tourism company to name a few. (Michelle L.V, 2014.) 2.3 Richard Bransons Strength as a New Venture Team Lets discuss the strength of Sir Richard Branson leadership. He believes in people, who work for him, he thinks that hire best employees who have excellent ideas and then trust them and let them do their job on their own. Sir Richard Branson finds a right candidate for the particular position, who is better than him for the job, due to which his all business are achieving success. The next is Sir Richard Branson thinks that failure is a learning lesson. For that he gives an example of his own business of virgin cola and that was successfully operated but also attracts some giant revivals due to his business gone down and he has to think again about the new strategies. (Business Lessons From Mega-Entrepreneur Richard Branson, Kinney B.2013) Sir Richard Branson always follows his strength whenever he start new venture with his team. He says, challenge the status quot, by which he means that thinks like a consumers, and add values to the product. Next create value of the product in globe, means that consumers satisfaction should be in the core value of the any product. In addition to this, he believes that be confident and concrete about your business and self motivation is the main thing for any business. He says Dream Big and do big then any other in the world. The first year of any business is all about survival and dont just invest money, invest more than that. (How Richard Branson Works Magic, Glenn Rifkin, 1998) 2.4 Leadership Theory Leadership is a process which is running by people with common goal and values, several kinds of capital like economic and political, to achieve a common interest. (Leadership: Theory and practice p.425) Leadership motivates other people to achieve common goal. That means the leader and other followers have mutual purpose. So it means that followers have fate in leader and vice versa, due to this they achieve a desire goal (Rost, 1991). 2.5 Leadership Style of Richard Branson Ability to think Differently Once in an interview with the Telegraph Sir Richard Branson said that Leadership doesnt have a secret formula; leaders go about things in their own way It is his leadership skill to think in a different way which makes him different from others. Richard Branson compares his collaborative and democratic leadership style to the late co-founder Steve jobs, was famous for his autocratic style. Both successful people have great achievement and come up with their own viewpoints, beliefs and approach. It is not important that which leadership skills are the best but its all about accepting the method which suits to the organization to utilize available resources. A Positive company culture He believes personality comes first then CV. The companys employees are always looking for a leader who makes fun passes that enthusiasm onto other members of the company. An eye for talent It is important to get as much as possible from the ability of the employees, Sir Branson believes in it. Also he said Believe in yourself, your method of work, and your ideas and in your employees It would not be possible to be a great leader without leading great people. He believed that people not only who have necessary experience and talent but also should fit for the business. (9 leadership skills from Sir Richard Branson | Robert Half UK, Jammi Freed, 2015.) Attention to detail Sir Richard Branson believes that successful and efficient leaders give more concentration in deep. In the Daily Telegraph he said that it can be made possible to get good fun with minor problem comparatively if this engages in dealing with customers issues personally and going to visit them surprisingly. Passion for job At last, the business leaders need to be aware about what they are doing to make effective planning, to build a team and inspiring the employees. He said that the people can get the best results. (Four leadership lessons from Virgin Groups Sir Richard Branson, Jammi Freed 2015.) Willingness to listen and learn According to Richard Branson, it is very important for the business leaders that they are quite capable to listen and learn from that and also he advised to note down those ideas to get best results. He said that the successes will happen when you are working and learn from the inspired person. 2.6 Background of Virgin Galactic Company Virgin Galactic is a profit-making space line service. It has several carrier craft which is Space-Ship Two, White-Knight Two, and an orbital launch vehicle for small satellites which is Launcher One. The Company was established in 2004 and a sister company of Virgin Group Ltd. Virgin Galactic and its partner companies: Virgin Galactic also have collaboration with NASA, they sign a memorandum of understanding in Feb 2007. In January 2015, Virgin Group announced an investment in to OneWeb Satellite constellation. This collaboration is for to provide world internet access service to WorldVu. To Create a New supersonic passenger transport Virgin Collaborate with Boom Technology. For this Virgin Galactic has optioned 10 units. Here we are going to discuss the Richard Branson team members who are working for Virgin Galactic and they are responsible for making this business successful. George Whiteside CEO of Virgin Galactic and the Spaceship Company. He has a long experience in this field and one of the best people for this job in these industries. Prior to this company he is working for NASA where he was designated as a Chief of Staff. He also awarded with the Distinguished Service Medal from NASA. Before that George served as Executive Director of the National Space Society (NSS). Michael p. Moses president of virgin galactic, the commercial human spaceflight program is managed by Mike. He leads his team in all aspects of successful operations including White Knight Two and Spaceship Two Vehicle processing, astronaut training and flight planning also which are connected with space line. He had more than 10 year of experience of working until 2005 as a flight controller in the Shuttle Propulsion and Electrical System Groups. Doug Shane, Chairman of The spaceship company, manage the design, manufacturing and test operations of the Virgin Galatis carrier aircraft through their sister company, The Spaceship Company (TCS). Along with serving as a Director of Flight Operations, for many years he served as Vice President of Business Development. Stephen Attenborough, commercial Director of Virgin Galactic, in 2004 he joined the company as its full time employee to handle the responsibility for commercial foundations and framework for the organization as well as business development, ongoing sales, public relations, partnerships and marketing. On behalf of Virgin Galactic, Stephen always works as speaker at many conferences, at numerous industries and at important events. Jonathan Firth, Executive Vice president of Spaceport and program Development, he joined Virgin Galactic as Project Director and then started to play the role of Director of Operations and projects in 2008 1 and moved to U.S to perform his current role in 2014 as Executive Vice President of Spaceport and Program Development. (Our Team Virgin Galactic, Because of all these successful persons Virgin Galactic performing really well, also Richard Branson believes in Employees comes first then clients, if you look after your employees clients come automatically. He knows that happy staff member means the most successful company and product. Creative Opportunity for Virgin Galactic Only 558 people from all around the world have had an experience to travel to Space so Virgin Galactic is going to open the opportunity for the rest of the world because of their passion and good talents. Virgin Galactic have already trust brand name under the Virgin Group from many years so there will be easy for them to attract more customers toward their business and do expansion of it. Virgin Galactic have many businesses under the name like Virgin Hotel, telecommunication, virgin satellite and so on which are linked to the Virgin Galactic like they have come for induction, business meetings, they can request to the customers to go there so ultimately that will expand the virgin business. Virgin Galactic has very strong financial back up and their reputation as a brand. 3. Five Generic Competitive Strategies In this section, we are going to discuss about the Porters five generic competitive strategies of Virgin Galactic. Generic strategy means basic kind of competitive strategy which holds across a number of business situations. Whereas competitive strategy is related with how a strategic business unit obtains competitive advantages in domain of its activities (Porter M. E). FIVE GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES 3.1 Low-Cost Provider Strategy: A low cost strategy is that in which a company offers their products to the customers relatively at a low price. This strategy is usually adopted by any corporation, where the product has few or no competitive advantage. Moreover, it attracts the broad range of purchaser. Some companies using this strategy in order to earn low profits but incur high sales volumes. For instance, the Kmart uses the low-price strategy because it provides the goods to customers at low price (Arbuckle D. 2017). This strategy is not using by the Virgin Galactic. 3.2 Focused Low-Cost Strategy: The focused strategy is based on low cost and concentrates on narrow customer segment. It serves the customers in the niche market at a lower cost and lower price than the opponents. Most of the companies using this strategy to enjoy the high degree of buyers loyalty. This strategy is usually suited to the small business where the resources are limited and they only focus on the narrow market segment. In this narrow segment market, the suppliers have the less power of bargaining. For instance, Gap is a good example of it. (Arbuckle D. 2017) This focused strategy is not employing by the Virgin Galactic. 3.3 Best Cost Provider Strategy: The best cost provider strategy aims to provide buyers more value for the money by offering them updated products at a lower price than competitors. Moreover, it gives more emphasis on a minimal quality, service, features and performance of the product to the customers. This strategy works best in the market where the customers diversity make the product different and also sensitive regarding the value and cost of the product. For example, Amazon uses the best cost provider strategy and also uses by Toyota Company. This strategy is also not adopted by Virgin Galactic. 3.4 Broad Differentiation Strategy: The broad differentiation strategy distinguishes the firms product from their competitors with the qualities, which attract their customers with uniqueness of the product. The value added by the product uniqueness allows the firm to charge a premium price for it. This strategy is not suitable for small business but it is more useful for big corporations. For instance, Netflix uses the differentiation strategy. This firm offer to customers greater variety of movies and charge less price than rental stores by conducting its business worldwide over the internet and Starbucks is also using it (Edwards J. 2017). The differentiation strategy is not using by Virgin Galactic. 3.5 Focused Differentiation Strategy: This focused differentiation strategy concentrates on a narrow purchaser section by fulfilling the particular tastes and needs of niche members. It refers to the situation where a corporation selects the strategically differentiate itself from their competitors in a narrow market. This Strategy is using by the companies to promote the product with multifarious features, innovation, brand name and customers service in order to attract more customers towards them. Likewise, Virgin Galactic using this strategy because the target market is narrow and they are trying to serve its services to the niche market. The main focus of Virgin Galactic is to be more innovative and unique in space travelling. (Porter M. E.) The main reason for selecting this strategy is that it provides the better-quality services and good value to their customers in different ways. Virgin Galactic looking to be unique in the niche market along with some changes which are broadly valued by customers. The main emphasis of Virgin Galactic is on the safety of passengers in every aspect and also provides training to passengers about one week prior the flight. Virgin Galactic taking $25000 from public in advance who wants to fly during the first years of flights and wants to turn their dreams into realities. In addition to it, the motive of Virgin Galactic is to provide sub-orbital spaceflights to space tourists. The spaceship2 has double the crew and capacity to carry triple the passengers. However, Virgin Galactic has competitors but he always wants to serve the market first. The focused differentiation strategy has following benefits for Virgin Galactic Premium price for its product: This strategy allows Virgin Galactic to command a premium price for its product. Increased unit sales: A virgin Galactic sale has increase due to this strategy because near about 550 ticket holders in line who wants to fly with it. Brand loyalty: By offering better in flight amenities at a lower cost as compared to many domestic carriers Virgin is creating strong brand loyalty for itself and dollar value for its customers New plans: Therefore, due to strong bonding with customers Virgin Galactic plans to deliver payload low earth orbit of 100 kg to market under US$ 10,000,000 per mission. Research and Development: Virgin Galactic has strong capability in research and development. They use the modern technology for the development of their products. Creates value: Virgin Galactic uses this strategy but their main focuses on the cost value of the product versus other similar products in the market, thus it creates a perceived value among its potential customers (Kelchner L. 2017). BCG MATRIX OF VIRGIN GALACTIC High Price Low Quality High The above figure demonstrates the BCG Matrix of Virgin Galactic. In this matrix, X-axis represents the quality of products and Y-axis reveals the price of the products. Following table is comparing price and quality of different space companies. Virgin Galactic competitors Price Quality XCOR Benson Space company Space-X Virgin Galactic Blue origin Low Low High High Low High High Low 4. SWOT Analysis of Virgin Galactic SWOT: This is type of strategic tool like PESTLE and PORTER which can be used to determine the long term performance of company to make good strategic plan to overcome its weakness and to utilize opportunities in better way. As name of this tool reveals meaning of itself such as S is for strength and so on. S W International Brand Progressing in Research and development Emphasis on Safety parameters Employee Strength Brand Image Strong Planning by using reusable craft Less risky and More trustworthy Skilled workforce High industry growth rate Reasonable Price Costly Failing to protecting RFP for satellite business Overtaking by competitors Time consuming to accomplish their mission Brand portfolio Competitive market Bad craft structure Sustaining brand image Employing new and innovative ways of doing business First to market Growth rate and profitability Technology advancement Expanding global markets Lacking interest of people due to crash Government regulations Accessible to middle class people Lot of investment required O T 4.1 Strength Based on article, it is evident that company is on its success as slowly-2 it is progressing. Some of following are strength of company. International Brand: This Company have reputed image over the whole globe as this is operating different branches at different locations such as New Mexico, USA, Las Cruces. In the beginning they just have only one spaceport which is in Mexico but now they have made 2 or 3 other spaceports to other locations to make it convenient for their customers to enjoy service of them. Virgin Group which is parent company of it which has brand image from last number of years. As Virgin Group has different Product line, it offers variety of services to their customers such as virgin hotels, virgin media, virgin passenger flights under name of virgin Atlantic, virgin money and many more. So their parent company helps them to perpetuate their brand image at global level (essays writers, 2017). Progressing in Research and Development: This Company is going through research and development mode and getting progress. As initially they have made first space ship flight (SS1) which could accommodate only 3 person all together (1 pilot and 2 passenger). Now recently they have made another spaceship flight (SS2) which can accommodate 8 people all together (2 pilots and 6 passengers) (the verge, 2016). Emphasis on Safety Parameters: Safety is the main concern of their organization. They bother equally for the safety of both passenger as well as employees. They give one week training to passenger in advance and give training to employees as well (wixsite, 2017). Employee Strength: As employees are the key part of every business so their security is important concern for an industry which is well done by virgin galactic. Due to this employees are interested to work with this group. As without employees there is no business, so virgin galactic is lucky to have good employees (advisor gate, 2016). Brand Image: As Virgin Group is offering good and wide variety of services to their users so it has already branded and reputed image in market and people are used to their services and can rely on them (essays writers, 2017). Strong planning for saving money by using reusable craft: They have good strategic planning to build strong and compatible passenger craft which can be reused again to send them in space which can help them to save money that they can used to improve their services better. Less risky and Trustworthy: As it is already mentioned that safety is main concern of their company so less risk is involved. Their services are so trustworthy thats why notable celebrities (Angelina Jolie, Stephen Hawking, Tom Hanks and Prince Zulf Ali) have already booked with them to travel in space (review essays, 2017). Skilled workforce: As this industry requires more creativity which cannot be possible without the help of employees so it means that employees should be equipped with good skills and it has employed skilled person in their company which further helps them in gaining success (swotanalysis24, 2017). High Industry Growth Rate: This Company is growing at very fast pace as recently its growth rate jumps from 27% to 47% (advisor gate, 2016). Reasonable Prices: The Company should charge reasonable prices for their services over their competitors. Because this is the good way to attract more passenger and to maintain their interest. 4.2 Weaknesses Apart from having good points, this company has some negative points which hinder them from achieving success. Some of them are given below: Costly: No doubt this company is offering good services to their users but services are very costly as compare to its competitor. As XCOR Aerospace which is in great competition to it is offering high quality services at low price. As Virgin Galactic is taking $250,000 per person whereas XCOR is taking $95000 per person (advisor gate, 2017). Failing to protecting RFP for satellite business:- one of the weak point of their company is that they are not good at planning and do not have strong vision as recently they were fail to set up RFP for Satellite Business. They planned in 2010 to initiate this proposal but till 2012, they were not able materialize the flights. Overtaking by competitors: As it is already mentioned, their competitors are stronger than them as their competitors are working in this industry from long time so they more knowledge and experience than them. For Example, SPACEX which is another Competitor of Virgin Galactic who was first to start to create reusable craft before Virgin Galactic. So in this matter, that company overtook Virgin Galactic (quartz, 2017). Time consuming to accomplish their mission: Although their industry growth is at high pace but still they are taking lot of time to provide services to their customers. For example, till now they have just made 2 spaceships named SS1 and SS2. So their processing time period is very long (geocities, 2016). Brand Portfolio: As it is already mentioned they have good brand image due to offering of wide variety of services. But this is not proved fruitful to them because this has made them less capable to focus on any particular service by which they are losing control on improving their services rather making these worse (swotanalysis24, 2017). Competitive market: As Space industry is highly risky and competitive so to compete with their competitors, they should have strong vision and long term strategies to hit them. But this is the negative point of Virgin Galactic; they are not competing well to their competitors. Bad Craft Structure: Although they are trying to provide better, improved and reliable services to their passenger but still they suffering from some problems. For example, the recent crash which was due to catastrophic failure happened because of poor structure of craft (advisor gate, 2016). 4.3 Opportunities Apart from considering strength and weakness of internal environment of company, company can grab opportunities of external environment to improve their performance. Following are list of areas where they can improve: Sustaining Brand Image: This Company can perpetuate brand image of their parent company by maintaining good competition with their competitors because this is the main area where they are lacking. So they should focus on this (cayenne, 2016). Employing New and Innovative Ways of doing Business: Although this company is on path of success but still they are slow in Research department. So till now they have just made 2 spaceships. So this is good opportunity for them to improve their performance by bringing more innovative ways of operating business (wixsite, 2017). First to market: As this company was first in market as comparison to its competitor. So it is great opportunity for them to make good reputation in market to attract customers. Growth Rate and Profitability: Although they are growing well with accordance to time, but they can utilize their opportunities to improve more as they can expand their product line. For example, apart from providing space sub orbital, small satellites and orbital human space flight, they can offer more services to their users to increase their growth level (swotanalysis24, 2017). Technology Advancement: As modern era is totally based on technology and this company is lacking in technology so they should new techniques in industry to make it more competitive (swotanalysis24, 2017). Expanding Global Markets: No Doubt, they started to operate at an international level and they should continue with this because this is an effective opportunity for them to maintain their image. On the other hand, they can also expand business through advertising in schools, universities which can enhance knowledge of students as well about orbit (advisorgate, 2016). 4.4 Threats In addition to grabbing opportunities of external environment, there can be some threats in every organization which can hinders them to get progress. Some of these are given below which can create problem for virgin galactic. So they should know these things in advance. Lacking interest of people due to crash:- Due to recent happened crash, company is losing interest of people as they are not trusting anymore on them and wanted to take back their money which they deposited while registering with them (the verge, 2017). Government Regulation: As space business requires lots of knowledge of government concerns so virgin galactic should be aware of these concerns to avoid any types of governmental issues (advisor gate, 2016). Accessible to upper class people: one threat to company performance is that this is only accessible to upper class people who mean middle class and any other category people cannot have access to this (guardian, 2013). Lot of Investment Required: As this business requires availability of great amount of funds which is not possible without strong market position and they should be financially sound. And what is happening in virgin galactic as they are using revenues earned from other product lines and if they will not earn anything from other product lines then i
Saturday, October 12, 2019
goblin market Essay -- essays research papers
It is difficult to cull a satisfying thematic interpretation from Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market." Obvious themes might be "that one should be careful of temptation," or "that little girls should not talk to strange men." One might even go on to the end of the poem and decide the theme is "that sisters should love one another." These are rather trite ideas, however, and while the poem definitely supports them (and they are easily defended with quotations from the text), a more careful look at "Goblin Market" reveals that the poem is fairly complex, and able to support a more revolutionary reading than the ones put forth above. Rather than saying that "Goblin Market" has a particular theme, I would put forth the notion that it attempts to deal with certain problems Rossetti recognized within the canon of English literature, and specifically with the problem of how to construct a female hero. There are no signifecant female heros in English literature up to the time of Rossetti. Female protagonists exist, of course, like Elizabeth in Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but they have no outlet for heroic action. They are constrained by the gender-roles into which a male-dominated society has placed them. Elizabeth must spend a good deal of her energy waiting for Darcy to take action; she herself is hobbled by the cords of decorum. In "Goblin Market," Rossetti creates a rudimentary framework of behavior in wh...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Financial Independence and the Single Woman Essay
Most, if not all of Jane Austen’s renowned novels feature the trials and tribulations of single womenâ€â€from Pride and Prejudice, to Sense and Sensibility, to Emma. The focus is specifically on the concept of marriage as the only viable choice for a single woman, if she wished to live substantially in her later years. However, while the subject of being wed to a suitable gentleman is present in Emma, the main character possesses a quality different from those in the other stories mentionedâ€â€Emma Woodhouse is financially stable. Therefore, this discussion of Austen’s Emma will be done through a different angle, which runs contrary to the author’s quote above. Matrimony in Emma is thoroughly explored and its nature as a solution for an unmarried woman’s future, yet it apparently does not apply to the story’s protagonist. Further arguments will expose the same logic as it is perceived todayâ€â€after all, Austen wrote most of her work during the mid- to late 19th century. II. Emma Woodhouse and Matchmaking The penchant of the title character for matching her women friends with possible grooms composes the running narrative of the story. Because of a previous success, Emma decides to do the same for her friend Harriet Smith, an innocent but socially-inept young woman. Emma pours all of her efforts in setting Harriet up with the pompous Mr. Elton, and cut all possibilities of Harriet’s consideration of a marriage proposal she had received from Mr. Martin, a young farmer. Eventually, after many plot twists and turns and appearances of more characters, her plans backfire as the arrogant Elton reveals his true desire for Emma, and not for Harriet. Harriet happily ends up with Martin, and Emma admits to her own affections for her longtime friend Mr. Knightley. It is obvious that Emma’s obsession with matchmaking does not cover merely attraction; she chose Mr. Elton for Harriet mainly because of his financial stability, being the local vicar. Compared to the income of a regular farmer, a vicar would ensure a better life for Harriet. Clearly, the era’s societal norms and economic potential for women are at play, for woman were generally not entitled to many occupational choices; the most common would be as a family teacher or governess, both which are not financially rewarding. But the biggest bane of women then was the possibility of being single until they reach an age unacceptable for marriageâ€â€which would be around the mid-20s. For Emma, born into a wealthy family and allowed to make her own decisions, the best way to make sure her less fortunate women friends would have good lives ahead would be to marry a rich man. This is not explicitly implied in the story, as Emma’s designs were disguised as just a bored, rich girl’s newest hobby. However, in analyzing her own conditions as well as her initial rejection of the poor Mr. Martin for Harriet, it is obvious that she subscribes to the concept of marriage being the only solution for women other than herself.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Global Warming or Global Warning? Essay
One of the controversial issues in the United States in particular and in the world in general is global warming. A polemic has been going on whether the concept of global warming is real or not, and some believe that the phenomenon is caused by human activities while other denies that assertion. Whether we believe in it or not, global warming is now a well known concept in our society. Encyclopedia Britannica states that global warming is â€Å"an increase in the global average surface temperature resulting from an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, and certain other trace gases in the atmosphere. †In a simple version, the planet temperature is rising due to chemical reactions occurring in the nature. Is this assertion true? And what are the factors that favor the happening of chemical reactions? Although the Earth’s temperature increase is a natural phenomenon, several other catalyzers participate to speed up the natural reaction, including human activity. According to Global Warming Newspaper Archives, tens of thousands years ago, the Earth was covered by a layer of ice, and that time was called the â€Å"Ice Age. †As the planet temperature began to rise, the whole layer of ice disappeared giving place to the â€Å"Little Ice Age†characterized by extreme cold and harsh conditions in poles and in uplands. The French mathematician and physicist Jean Baptist Joseph Fourier was the first to introduce the concept of global warming in 1824 when he noticed that the planet temperature was increasing. Fourier brought up the â€Å"Greenhouse effect†theory which explains how â€Å"carbon dioxide traps heat in the Earths atmosphere†(Global Warming Newspaper Archives). In 1950, Guy Stewart Callendar the British engineer supported the â€Å"greenhouse effect†and warned about the seriousness of global warming which led to the beginning of the environmental activism. Several predictions on the future of the Earth came up pushing the United Nations to hold an environmental conference in 1992 where countries were asked to engage themselves to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Since the effects of the 1992 Conference weren’t significant, the United Nations created the Kyoto Protocol the first international commitment to fight against global warming. 125 countries have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, but the United States the world largest greenhouse gases producer never signed for the global climate treaty. Global warming is a well understood concept because it is a reality. The change of the average weather condition of the planet in a long period of time is a strong indicator of the global warming phenomenon. This change usually concerns the temperature in particular, sea level, and natural phenomena in the second place. In the American Meteorological Society Bulletin, an Arctic sea ice extend average chart shows that from 1961 to 1990, for July-September and April-June, the ice extend has decreased. These periods correspond to the hottest period of the year. However, for October to December and January-March, the ice extend did not change even tough it had been subject of fluctuation over the years. The decreased of ice extend in the two first time period proves that the ice in the Arctic sea is melting. Scientifically, a material change is state from solid to liquid if it is exposed to an increase of ambient temperature. Another chart from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report shows the global average temperature of -0. 3 degree Celsius in 1850 and 14. 5 degree Celsius in 2000; the global average sea level of -125 millimeters in 1870 and 55 millimeters in 2000. The same chart also shows the decrease of Northern hemisphere snow cover from 37 million of kilometer square in 1925 to 35 million of kilometer square in 2000. These results clearly shows that the world is warmer than before, pole ice is melting, and sea level is going up shrinking at the same time the area of the living ground. Global warming is a reality daily noticeable. After recognizing the existence of global warming, many people believe that human activities are the main cause of the whole situation. According to MacMillan Social Science Library global warming is characterized by the fact that â€Å"certain gases trap heat from the sun in the earths atmosphere through a process known as the greenhouse effect which occurs naturally. †The greenhouse effect is a cyclic process that allows the Earth to stay warm and livable for beings when occurring naturally. It becomes a problem when human activities such as burning of hydrocarbons, use of chemical fertilizers, and decomposition of certain waste material pollute the atmosphere and increased the volume of greenhouse gases. Since the industrialization era started, human had been producing waste, and gases through his factories. The emission of gases is more observable in industrialized countries. Gases liberated in the atmosphere by the industries participate in the greenhouse gases scenario. The most known greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and water vapor. The carbon dioxide is known as a gas that absorbs infrared radiation. An increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to more energy absorption and accompany with an increase in planet’s temperature. According to the article â€Å"How Global Warming†, The World Watch Institute affirms that the world carbon dioxide emissions have increased from 1 billion tons in 1900 to 7 billion tons in 1995. The result of that is the increase of the Earth temperature from 14. 5 degrees Celsius in 1860 to 15. 3 degrees Celsius in 1985. Nitrous oxide produces by fertilizers and methane gas result of waste decomposition have the same energy absorbing quality as the carbon dioxide. Although humans don’t produce a huge amount of nitrous oxide, methane gas is abundantly produced on Earth. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in a chart in page 15 of the report presents the increased of the methane emissions from 750 ppb in 1900 to 1750 ppb in 2000 (â€Å"Climate Change 2007†). These indicators significantly accredit the fact that mankind activities gravely impact the global warming effect. Some people don’t believe that global warming is real. The skeptics of global warming say that the increase of the world temperature as an argument in favor of pro global warming is a fallacy, because global warming is a natural phenomenon. So, global warming is not an environmental problem. The fact that scientists don’t have a consensus on global warming issue entertains the polemic. â€Å"The IPCC report is not evidence of a scientific consensus on global warming†(â€Å"Global Warming is Not a Serious Threat†). The Heartland Institute a con global warming organization says that â€Å"NASA released a study in October 2007 demonstrating that the recent decline in Arctic sea ice is due to unusual localized wind patterns rather than global warming †(Taylor). It means that the predictions and results on the gravity of global warming are not true because an official report of the NASA contradicts former assertion. Heartland Institute even affirms that â€Å"The December 2005 issue of Journal of Glaciology reports that the Greenland ice sheet is growing rather than shrinking†(Taylor). For con global warming, the topic is still a theory; it is not a fact yet because scientific research shows the contradiction on the subject. Global warming is not caused by human activities. Environmentalists have exaggerated the dangers of fossil fuels use predicting the â€Å"apocalypse. †Global warming advocates utilize the topic for political reasons. In the United Kingdom, Al Gore â€Å"An Inconvenient Truth†is banned from school projection without disclaimer because of misleading and factual errors contain in the film. The British High Court believes that the film is too partisan and political. Jonathan Adler in False Apocalypse says that â€Å"William Gray of Colorado State University, one of the foremost hurricane experts in the world, insists that any increase in hurricane activity during the last few years is the result of natural variability, not human-induced climate change. †Those who believe that hurricanes are the result of global warming can learn that human activities have nothing to do with what happened in New Orleans, in Florida or in Texas. Natural disasters occurring in these days are not related to global warming; instead, they are inexplicable and remain a mystery since their causes are natural. Most of the scientific predictive effects of global warming did not occur. For instance, in 1995, Robert Shope, a virologist and director of Yale University Arbovirus Research Unit predicted an epidemical spread of yellow fever and cholera in North America due to temperature risings (Taubes). This disaster never happened even though the world temperature has risen. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals that human activities are the cause of an excessive amount of greenhouse gases release in the atmosphere; instead, Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon, researchers from the George C. Marshall Institute say that â€Å"Most of the warming of the last 100 years has natural causes as its explanation. ` This is another board of researchers which confirms that the heating of the blue planet is not due to human activities, but by natural phenomena. President Bill Clinton says, â€Å"The overwhelming balance of evidence and scientific opinion is that it is no longer a theory but now a fact that global warming is for real. ` Base on different arguments from pro and con global warming â€Å"theory†, one can understand that pro global warming arguments weigh than con’s opinions. The fact that global warming skeptics acknowledge the existence of global warming is an important sign of the reality of the problem. Their arguments to prove that global warming does not exist are not convincing, and moreover they are based on refutation of pro global warming ideas. Global warming advocates clearly explain the correlation between the Earth’s temperature increase and human being actions. Before the industrial era, the world was less polluted than it is now. Emission of gases and decomposition of waste gravely pollute the atmosphere. The result of it is hotter summers, lesser snow in winters, and sometimes unpredictable weather especially here in the Metropolitan Area. Furthermore, car engine emission and inspection procedures have been put in place in order to reduce pollution which indicates that the government is aware of the fact that global warming is caused by human activities. The green seal logo is now given to business organizations that respect and practice waste recycling. This demarche shows the overwhelming concern for human’s survival in a planet in danger. Global warming is real for global warming advocates, and it is a misleading notion for con global warming advocates. Arguments from both sides of the aisle lead to a convincing opinion from global warming advocates. The world is confronted to a major menace called global warming; it is a global warning for humanity to consider the danger of the phenomenon and to get ready to fight it by reducing our waste, recycling in a daily basis, and to come up with an appropriate energy consuming policy that will help to keep our world safer and livable for future generations.
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